@wo3dan said:

I'm able to place a (transparant) box on a corner of a building at position:
51.828187N / 4.706535E , checked by placing a (corrected) place mark!!!
Next I'm able to reposition that box on:
51.828188N / 4.706536E , checked again by placing a new (corrected) place mark!!!

Hi Wo3Dan and other fellow SU designers. In our environment we would need the same level of precision (5 or more decimals) and unfortunately the SU designers don't want to support our (and Google Earth's) needs. You seem to have been able to create a work-around, but unfortunately I cannot quite catch the idea. Can you give a more detailed account of the procedure that you use.

It seems to me that you are creating precisely aligned placemarks in Google Earth and that you import (Tools > Google Earth > Get Current View) them into SU to get better precision. Is that correct?

I still have a feeling that the easiest way to settle the problem would be that the SU designers would offer us the same level of precision that is being required in the Google 3D Warehouse - Acceptance Criteria. Correct alignment won't be achieved as long as rounding errors produce deviations of a magnitude around 5 meters (as they do in our area).