Thanks Didier, can you please pass on the link..
@didier bur said:
Arunkumar (and all),
I've found no more than 3 bugs again, so I've uploaded an update, same link than before.
Thanks Didier, can you please pass on the link..
@didier bur said:
Arunkumar (and all),
I've found no more than 3 bugs again, so I've uploaded an update, same link than before.
Many Thanks for your reply. I'am attaching the file please have a look and suggest.
Arun Kumar
Hello Friends,
I'am new user of SU Pro (ver 6).
Now am trying to check cloud ruby script with my existing data file which is in txt format. I'am able to see a message at the bottom left of my screen as "2045 points to import" after providing required info in "Points Cloud Option" dialog box but nothing is created on screen.
I'am using a space delimited file. Is there any restriction with no. of input points.....please suggest.
Arun Kumar
Hello Didier,
I'am new user of SU Pro (ver 6). I have gone thru your previous postings regarding ruby scripts and I sincerely thank you for the help provided to the SU user community.
Through one of your links, am able to download cloud.rb and also the related pdf document for installation & usage.
Now am trying to check it with my existing data file which is in .txt format. I'am able to see a message at the bottom left of my screen as "2045 points to import" after providing required info in "Points Cloud Option" dialog box but nothing is created on screen.
I'am using a space delimited file. Is there any restriction with no. of input points.....please suggest.
@didier bur said:
Hi all,
Here is an update of the "import points cloud" script.
As a user requested, you can now click a point to translate the cloud to a new origin.
Thanks Didier!
But I couldn't find contour/terrain related tool in that.
Arun Kumar