I don't know if this will help you or not take a look at this thread on pureoverclock.com some members do a side by side comparison of the two cards.
Latest posts made by ArchieB
RE: Best videocard choice for Sketchup?
RE: To all newbies!
Yes, Thanks for all the support i am now an avid SU user and want to thank the forum for all it's support and guidance.
RE: [Tutorial > Modeling] Attention all car modelers!
I searched in the 3d warehouse and came across a couple which helped me a lot.
thanks for the offer though.
RE: [Tutorial > Modeling] Attention all car modelers!
Is there a tutorial on how to make shocks both coil over and just the shock am designing a car from the ground up and want it to be 100% made by me.
RE: A Welcome Message to New SketchUcation Members
i am a student who loves to build and design any thing. As a kid i played with Knex and still do. Soon i'll be off to university and can't wait. I came across the sketchup software on a free ware site and after downloading it i was instantly drawn to it's realistic graphics,the tools and plugins designed for the software oh and the fact that it was free! -
RE: SketchyPhysics Question
Thanks because i wasn't sure if their was a distance limiter or my laptop was having a hard time processing what was going on.
RE: [SP2]Basic Tutorial Posted (Moved & Improved) 5/11/08
great tutorial i have and will be relying on this tutorial for a while as today i have just begun to use sketchy physics and was instantly hooked.
RE: SketchyPhysics Question
I knew it would be something stupid.
by the way is there a limiter so the objects don't go flying for infinity.