Hi chinese friend thanks for the link , but you know there is only a little problem I can't speak nor reading the chinese , so is quite difficult understand what I'm clicking on that site !!! And what about you Jim you're right the plug-in isn't what I'm exactly looking for but is useful to , thanks again . I hope some one some day will create this ruby ( that I think must be not so complicated ) . Grazie a tutti , questa comunità di SketchUp è fantastica !!! . Thanks to all this community is great !!! Ciao
Latest posts made by amedeo
RE: Ruby creation to imitate some capacity of Light Up
RE: Ruby creation to imitate some capacity of Light Up
Woooooooh Jim thanks a lot !!! Now I just have to undestand how to use well , it looks quite complicated . Grazie ancora , ciao ciao !!!
RE: Ruby creation to imitate some capacity of Light Up
Hi Chris you have centered the main problem "buy"
Light up is too expensive for a student like me ; does exist some free student version of Lightup ?! You know at my university we can download free only AutoCAD !!! SketchUp and the relative extension ( like Light Up ) aren't considered .
Ruby creation to imitate some capacity of Light Up
Hi everyone !!! my name is Amedeo and I'm italian , so first of all sorry for my bad english , I just want to ask if anybody knows the existence of a Ruby ( obviously free
!!!)that can replicate what Light Up do in this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xV31FTBr7Cg ; I mean not the real time rendering but just what I call the "Warming map" ( where the sun pass during the day , month etc...) ; I'm a landscape architecture student at "La Sapienza" University in Rome and I think that the creation of this kind of ruby will be very useful for everyone !!! Please can some PC guru create it . Thanks a lot . Ciao ciao from Italy .