@anton_s said:
Have you seen this option? See attached screenshot.
Yes. I attached a few screenshots.
As a result, payment by card, but through the PayPal service =(
@anton_s said:
Have you seen this option? See attached screenshot.
Yes. I attached a few screenshots.
As a result, payment by card, but through the PayPal service =(
@anton_s said:
When you purchase, PayPal is not required. You can pay with your credit/debit card directly. As far as additional payment alternatives, that is for SketchUcation to decide upon and integrate. What payment option do you have in mind?
Hi. Yes, I meant a credit / debit card. When I check out, I end up always being redirected to PayPal. How exactly can I pay by card without using PayPal in any form?
Привет. А есть ли иные способы оплатить лицензию, кроме PayPal?
Hi. Are there any other ways to pay for the license besides PayPal?
Are there other payment methods besides PayPal?