Yes, thanks a lot!
Latest posts made by marziaf
When i use draw tools (line, circle...) axes move with selected tool, so it's very hard to draw.
Axes are also visible on the origin, i think there's a trouble with cursor, isn't it?
What's wrong?
Thanks -
RE: [Plugin] 2D Tools
Thanks for your reply and also for your plugin, very useful!
RE: [Plugin] 2D Tools
if I press the <0> key in 2D Line tool the Z-plane resetting function starts, so I can't type all the lengths containing a "0".
I've noticed that in the 2DlineTool.rb, line 306, the key 48 is linked to the <TAB> function (" if key == 9 or key == 15 or key == 48### TAB sets Z, 9 for PC 15 for MAC ?"...).
I'm not a programmer but if I change this line and delete the string " or key == 48" the command works well.Is it a needed change to the plugin or I'm doing something wrong?
(sorry for my English)