CadFather, can you post this Ruby again. Because, I did down it , but it may has a mistake.

Latest posts made by ___olo
RE: [Plugin] Soften/Unsoften
RE: How to find centre of an arc
"point at centre" is a very good way.
You can also use this way at the link: -
RE: Living with Moore
yes, I agree with Kwistenbiebel.
Hope you continue make it more beautiful. -
RE: SDS & FFD Abstract Sculptures with Interesting Textures
@fbartels said:
Hi _olo,
The steps to project a texture are...
Bring an image into your model and position it as you want relative to your geometry. Be aware that after sampling, the image in essence projects out at 90 degrees from the plane of the image surface.
Once you have the image where you want it relative to the geometry you want to paint then select the paint bucket tool while holding down the Command key (on a Mac) and click on the image. This samples the image. (If you haven't already exploded the image you will need to do this.)
Then let go of the Command key (or Windows equivalent) and click on the geometry you want to paint. If the geometry is grouped, or a component, then you want to enter the group/component and select everything you want to paint before painting with the bucket tool.
A trick I use is to extrude the image to make sure it completely covers the geometry I want to paint. If it doesn't, use the Scale tool to resize the entire extruded box until it encloses the geometry. The two images below should help make this clearer. The SU file used to make the images, which it too large to upload here, is available at the bottom of
Thanks Fbartet. I have done as you talk, and it's very cool.
And this is my pic. -
RE: SDS & FFD Abstract Sculptures with Interesting Textures
@fbartels said:
Just a couple more. One, a final export from last night in which I removed the screen "shadow" shapes, and the other from a quick experiment using follow-me to create the proxy shape to feed into SdS. Quite a bit of potential there I think. (Chris.. btw, I enjoyed your original pre self-censored comment.
I have a litte question, how do you paint the map on your model ??? -
RE: How do I paint with a map on curved surface ???
@cheffey said:
let's see if this even works.
Olo does this vid make sense?
Basically you import an image file position it above the plane and explode it.
Then sample the image and paint bucket on the surface.This video is very well,
Thank alot
RE: How do I paint with a map on curved surface ???
@ehaflett said:
Take a look at this...
Adding color to your Earth snapshots
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Thank Ehaflett, but I want to ask about Painting on curved surface like on this image or a sphere.