@fredo6 said:
I assume you use VRay 4.2.
Can you open the Ruby Console before launching the video generation. There are traces of what is going on and there may be errors as well.
Hi, Thank you for replying. You are correct, I do. I have opened the Ruby Console and the error below is shown:
:beg_time => 0
:end_time => 19.5
:frame_rate => 25
:speed_factor => 1.0
:reversed_play => nil
:transparent => false
:dimX => 1592
:dimY => 864
:dim_mode => "custom"
:filter => {
} (:filter)
:root_dir => "C:/Users/harpreet.JOHNNEWTON/Desktop/Sketchup Animations/Animator Videos"
:movie_dir => "103-S Detail - 23-Nov-2020 13-01-22"
:movie_name => "Film 1"
:date_modified => 1606129191.432255
:break_aspect_ratio => nil
:movie_formats => {
:mp4 => true
:mov => false
} (:movie_formats)
:rendering_method => :vray4
MOVIE PX = 1592 PY = 864 transpa = false
VRAY Movie frame 1
Animation time = 0.00s
Path = Image001.png
AFTER launching Rendering and Timer: status = true
VRAY Status check - status = 6
VRay rendering not finished yet elapsed = 2.01s
Error: #<NoMethodError: undefined method state' for nil:NilClass> c:/users/harpreet.johnnewton/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2020/sketchup/plugins/fredo6_!libfredo6/body_lib6videomanager.rbe:445:in
c:/users/harpreet.johnnewton/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2020/sketchup/plugins/fredo6_!libfredo6/body_lib6videomanager.rbe:553:in `block in vray4_status_check'
I am unsure what this means, would you have any further information regarding this?
Thank you again!