Thank you finally got it. You are a godsend.
Thank you finally got it. You are a godsend.
Trying, but not having a lot of luck. I right click select all then right click for intersect, it gives me choices with model or context. Both won't b/c I get a dialog, Nothing connects with model. and when I select the top of top face of the triangle it also selects parts of the model, same with trying to erase the common face the two parts share. I really want to learn this thanks for your help.
Thanks for the help I am trying to push the chamfer off and cant get past the curve. Here is the file
Thanks again Rick
Hello all,
A newbie here trying to get a sketch created for a chair that I built for a client. Attached is a screen shot. I have a curve for the backrest that is also chamfered. You can see when I push/pull I end up with a part I can't eliminate. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Rick