If you guys may allow me to explain a bit further on Edificius.
The software produced by ACCASoftware based in Italy.
They are selling the software within Italy region and provide as a FREE UPP to the rest of the world. FREE UPP means FREE USE PRINT PAY.
Their market in Italy is good enough to support their organization. FREE UPP is not eligible within Italy region.
Their new revolution in licensing industry will allow end users to start project without worrying on licensing issue and using illegal software for their business. The free use allow more users to get their job done at lower cost. The pay per print concept allow companies to control wastage and turn everyone to green friendly.
Hope the above explain and helps a bit.
The software is comparable to Revit, Archicad, Vectorworks at some level.
Lots of tutorials provided and it is quite easy to go through and learn.
For more highler level usage, you may need to explore more by yourself but the fundamental tutorial helps you to bring to that level.
Nizam Mahmud