Mirror.rb blues
Thank you Howard. I am just starting to use ruby scripts and was playing with the mirror.rb last night and getting some pretty strange results. Your pic explains it all. "A picture is worth a thousand words" Thanks from the snowy south.
Is there a hope for this script to have a toolbar button sometime?
I am using it more and more and find myself hunting for the button too often.Thanks.
@unknownuser said:
Is there a hope for this script to have a toolbar button sometime?
I am using it more and more and find myself hunting for the button too often.Thanks.
So much to do and so little time...
I have a shortcut key that mirrors selections... even quicker than a button ? (M=move but say ctrl+M=Mirror ?)
ctrl+M? wouldn't that = copy?
try this one.
simple but works
Delete for clarifying
@burkhard said:
try this one.
simple but works
And I thought Frank Wiesener, and then I did all of the hard work in the last three years developing "Mirror.rb" for you all to use freely.........
[but link to old forum is now defunct.]
http://www.crai.archi.fr/RubyLibraryDepot/Ruby/EM/Mirror_31.rbI know it doesn't have a (c) para or an 'acknowledge who done this' para at the start, BUT let's be nice - it's certainly got little that's wholly "Burkhard's"...
I fully acknowledge Frank's earlier input in my updates, at least you could acknowledge others work that's been included in yours - which quite frankly lifts whole lumps of code direct - you even have my ###v3.1 rem tags in yours...Let's stay friends about this... but...
@unknownuser said:
ctrl+M? wouldn't that = copy?
Pressing M and then Ctrl would Move+Copy IF you have M set to Move, but pressing ctrl + M together doesn't (at least not in the Pro version). I only used that key combination as an example !!! You can use any non-reserved key combo: shift+M, alt+M, ctrl+shift+alt+`, shift+spacebar etc etc... the list is only as restricted as your imagination... -
@unknownuser said:
as it happens with many scripts, the usage explanation at the beginning of mirror.rb is not very clear (or so it seemed to me). they way you explained it is very clear, though, and i could make it work exactly as you described it.
Hi Edson,
Glad to see that you figured the procedure out with
the help of the great team we have here.I totally agree with you when you say that many of the
Ruby Scripts brief explanations are not always clear.I have mentioned this possible oversight before. The
ones that are accompanied with a short video, no matter
how complex become clear, whereas even simple Rubies
with just a couple of lines of text can sometimes stump
us initially.I think this is an area of SketchUcation that we non
programmers can help out with i.e. producing procedural
videos !Just a thought !
Appologize for fasten but uncompleted help. Be sure, it is not my script
For those who downloaded the mirrorbutton:Open the mirror.rb ( mirror.rb.txt ) and set at the top following.
(If you like you can change everthing to mirror_31b by renaming in all three files.)
Or wait till it was done by supporters.#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name : Mirror 3.0
Description : Mirrors Selection at Point, Line or Plane
Author : Originally by Frank Wiesner
BUT NOTE from v2.6 it's been TIG tweaked and rewritten...###
Usage : 1. Make Selection (Any Entites allowed)###
2. Select 'Mirror Selection' from Plugins Menu
or from Context Menu or your ShortCut Key
3. If here's no Selection then dialog informs
4. Pick a Point and RETURN to Mirror at the Point
5. Pick a Second Point and RETURN to Mirror at the Line
6. Pick a Third Point to Mirror at the Plane
7. Final Option is Erase Original ?
If Yes then Highlighting of Selection passes to Copies
(Note: Erase is undo-able separately from the Mirroring)
Type : Script
3.1 21 Feb 2007 ### TIG make_unique tries to avoid rare bugsplats.
3.0 05 Aug 2006 ### TIG Ending rewritten to avoid rare bugsplats.
2.9 03 Aug 2006 ### TIG Start:commit loops to avoid rare bugsplats.
2.8 26 July 2006 ### TIG re-tweaked - Rewritten to be MUCH simpler.
Mirroring of ANY Entity Selection works properly.
2.7 23 July 2006 ### TIG tweaked - Rewritten generally.
Now processes Multiple selections of Groups and/or
Components, but warns if any 'loose' (UnGrouped)
Faces in Selection as they might lose any RePostioned
Texture data, interfere etc.
2.6 22 July 2006 ### TIG tweaked - Context menu added IF ONE group/compo.
Warns about selection IF NOT ONE group/compo.
Materials now preserved in mirrored copy BUT you will
need to group selection to preserve material positioning
- although this is define-able it is not find-able from
the orignal face info !
Final option to Erase of Original Group/Compo.
2.5 (8.Jul.2oo5) - bugfix: faces with holes reduce now to a single face
- major code rewrite (dropped @clondedObject hash, heavy
use of groups during construction,...
- more redundant constructions, but seems to be more robust
2.4 (5.Jul.2oo5) - all unnecessary edges created by the add_faces_from_mesh()
method are erased! faces with holes mirror now perfectly.
2.3 (4.Jul.2oo5) - fixed "mirror at plane" error
2.2 (2.Jul.2oo5) - works in group editting mode
- prevents picking of identical points
2.1 (1.Jul.2oo5) - fixed "undo group" bug
- code cleanup
2.0 (30.Jun.2oo5) - new tool-like interface
1.4 (29.Jun.2oo5) - arc bug fixed
- code simplified (clone_selection() removed)
1.3 (24.Jun.2oo5) - can handle faces with holes in it (although more edges
are drawn than nessesary)
- correct orientation of mirrored faces
- supports arcs (at least works for circles), curves and groups
1.2 (20.Jun.2oo5) - axis and origin selection algorithm does not rely on tool tips any more.
1.1 (19.Jun.2oo5) - fix coplanar point bug
- better tooltips
- supports mirror at lines (edges, axis, construction lines)
- mirror-at-plane code simplified
1.o (10.Jun.2oo5) - first version
Hacked by Burkhard for toolbar functionality
regards Burkhard
Thanks Burkhard... I had had a bad day... It's at the very least polite to acknowledge the work of others in the headers of the script's text when you are using their code or ideas...
It would have perhaps been easier to leave my original script alone and then link in you new toolbar/extension parts separately to that ?
It was a quick reaction without thinking about.
You can do what you want...I'm not a coder, just hacking. It is the only way I know to make a toolbar.
Apologize my unwise
If there are some problems more, feel free to contact me via pm or mail ( you got my mail time ago)
It is easier for me to communicate and clarify an issue.cu Burkhard