A sneakpreview to Sketchup 7
...I wish it was true
Thats very cool, I understand they are not going to be expensive either (the multi touch monitor that is)
The other link you posted next door was to me even more amazing, if you do not mind I post it here.
What's taking them so long? Eventually, any one will be able to render and create with natural movement of the hand. As for acurate input, im sure this could be done by pointing to a calc on screen or voice command. It's more of a natural interface for most people. Just a matter of time. Also, I see a day when materials and their properties will be already stored in the objects. Therefore no need for rendering in rendering programs. You pick stone and it already contains all the properties necessary to display. All you do is select objects with desired properties and move into place. It will be the closet thing to constructing the building in real life.
P: lapx
I can imagine use of telescopic (magic) wands to extend our reach, maybe with something like laser pointers built-in.
May as well throw in the "driver seat" mounted on a device that can zoom the user in all directions. I think that would look cool. Something like the mechanic in Road Warrior. I'm thinking a lot of X, a lot of Y, and little Z.
I'm getting dizzy now- better quit. -
The second vid blew my mind.
Have a look at this, this is at Hull University HIVE, (Hyper Immersive Virtual Environment). They research working in 3d in 3d I've been to the facility, it's amazing but the website doesn't do it justice, if you read the info though it is quite impressive what they can do.
I thought that the best part of the second vid was the adaptable digital keyboard - as long as the price of the touchscreen is low enough.
Of course the technology is already commercially available by Microsoft.
Also, as we all know, touch screens have been around for decades and still languishes as an input method usually limited to public use information access, i.e. bank ATMs, airport information terminals, etc. to limit maintenance of peripherals and/or breakage or limit being vandalized. As well, there's a good reason this technology has remained out of the household or office environment. . .it requires a lot of energy to use 'hour after hour'. I don't know about you all, but I certainly wouldn't want to attempt to model a complex machine part for 3 hours sitting in front of a 36" monitor waving my hands the whole time, let alone standing at a 60" monitor doing the same.
Tom Cruise was quite dramatic in his hand waving 'orchestrations' in Minority Report, but let's see him do that in an eight hour business day.
P: Cyberdactyl
@cyberdactyl said:
Tom Cruise was quite dramatic in his hand waving 'orchestrations' in Minority Report, but let's see him do that in an eight hour business day.
It would solve the lack of exercise that people,working in an office, can experience though.
Working and at the same time doing a good workout just sounds great to me!Being an architect, I just get fed up by sitting on a chair a whole day,looking at a big light (=monitor) and only move two fingers (left and right mouse button)...
So let's bring those big movement workstations along -
Actually the "walkstation" would be good for that. They are taking orders soon...
@todamgood4u said:
Actually the "walkstation" would be good for that. They are taking orders soon...
Well yes...but that looks really ridiculous right
@unknownuser said:
Actually the "walkstation" would be good for that.
OK- Walkstation for me, provided I get a harness and a good set of roller skates.
(Hmm- How about a scooter chair on that belt?)
@kwistenbiebel said:
@cyberdactyl said:
Tom Cruise was quite dramatic in his hand waving 'orchestrations' in Minority Report, but let's see him do that in an eight hour business day.
Being an architect, I just get fed up by sitting on a chair a whole day,looking at a big light (=monitor) and only move two fingers (left and right mouse button)...
So let's bring those big movement workstations alongI'm with you on that, luckily I can ride my bike to work and take a walk at lunch.
oh and Tom Cruise can do anything, he's not even human
P: crojack
@todamgood4u said:
Actually the "walkstation" would be good for that. They are taking orders soon...
I want something like that for my car. After all, I can ride my bike with high intensity in traffic, why couldn't I work out while driving? (I'll put the cell phone away.)
I want to add one of these to my workstation:
Just plug your computer in and... oh yeah. Nevermind.