So what do you think about the SCF?
I agree with Solo...
SCF has become a nice community.
Lots of different stuff to learn, see and share over here.The only comment I would have is the fact that there are more 'off topic' threads than SU/design related stuff.
I notice this when I check the 'view new posts' at the top of the webpages screen.In general, I think you guys did a great job and I hope it will keep on growing.
Thanks for this forum. I love it.
Kwistenbiebel -
About the number of off-topics: I don't like it that much.
I think all those different off-topics (health, fitness, beers, etc...) can be better put in one big Off-topic section.Right now, there are too many sections in general.
You can't check them all when you come in here.
I personally like to have less sections on the forum so we can stumble on topics and be surprised.
I for one would never visit the 'fitness' section, bout I would consider viewing a fitness post if I stumbled on such a thread in a bigger off-topic section.Don't know if this makes sense .
It's just a minor thing. All the rest is super duper
[EDIT]: I must apologize
The number of different forum sections already is decreased.
It has been a long time since I scrolled all the way down the sections list.
I just discovered the list is shorter already.
Sorry for the confusion...Most of the time I come in and aim straight for the 'view new posts' button
I really can't imagine what else you could provide? Really!
Only thing left: Free love and nickle beer!
Hi Coen,
I think this space is superb
Alan -
Hi Coen
What I think about the SCF...
I like to think of it as the old SketchUp forum resurected. If we just reduce the amount of sections and sub-sections to what we used to have at it'd be just like home
P: Rob D
I must come here about 5 times a day, its an integral part of my life to the point that my wife, instead of asking "what happened at work today" asks "what happened on the forum today"
My first port of call is always 'new posts' and I almost never browse the forum by going in to each section individually, when I have, its been to find something specific, a ruby, a rendered image etc.
I like the fact that a quantity of the posts are non SU/Support/Technical ones. We're a community not a technical support desk and as such we 'chat' about many things, for example, in this post about a Concorde model I remembered that I'd found a photo of a Concorde being made in my dad's stuff and posted it just as an aside. It was only when Bruno contacted me did I realise the significance of the photo and its value (not monetary) to the Concorde community.
If we were purely a support desk then there's a good chance the thread/post would have been removed for being irrelevant or off topic.I'm truly amazed at how quickly this community became established after the implosion of the old one and I'm truly proud not only to be a member but of all of us for making it work.
So To Coen, thanks for setting this up and making it work. To Gaieus, thank you for assuming Coen's mantle and keeping it going. To the moderators, thanks for making it work and keeping us in check. To Krisidious and Tom for proving that there's always another way. To eveyone for being here.
I do not remember the old SCF but I do like what is here now. I mostly stay in the Ruby forum and everyone has been very helpful. I just hope that I can be of help to someone else.
I just want to take this opportunity to thank Coen, Gaieus,and to all You people out there who contribute for making this forum the best on the web.
Keep up the good work. -
It's simply fantastic Coen! It is a joy to communicate with you all...makes my job much more interesting and allows me to help more people than I could in any other way.
I think my two favorite parts are seeing what interesting projects you're all working on, and seeing the problem spots that you hit while working on those projects.
All of you, working together here with me, have made a very positive impact on SketchUp, including the future direction of SketchUp.
Thank you all for sharing your projects, your pain points, and your wishes!
- CraigD
I read almost everything posted in these forums. I post more seldom than in the old forums, maybe there are less questions I know the answer to...
@unknownuser said:
...Here is a preview of what a new forum can look like, but bear in mind that the colors will be different with mostly blues. I'm interested in feedback about this look.
Coen, apart fromm your avater, I would not mind the rest...
I, too, visit this site multiple times daily. It has become a part of my on-line life. It's like a fix. I need it. Gotta have it. Can't imagine life without it.
That looks good, I'd be happy with it. -
I'm visiting this forum many times a day and when I'm unable to visit it, it's like I'm missing something, as I wouldn't have been able to have my morning coffee.
My one and only real problem is that english is not my mother language and it's harder for me to participe as I would like to in many interesting topics. However, I read a lot of them and it's incredible the number of time which it helped me to be more productive with SU.
Don't change anything on this forum. It's a jewel.
Coen, I like it better with the avatar and personal info to the left.
We read from left to right and I believe its better to see who has posted before reading the post. IMHO. -
@pixero said:
Coen, I like it better with the avatar and personal info to the left.
We read from left to right and I believe its better to see who has posted before reading the post. IMHO.I second that. Although it's obvious you need to start a new board to prevent further hacks I think the current one is a winning formula
. Sadly, I think many folks are still reeling from the demise of the old SU forums and becoming accustomed to SCF. It'd be a real shame to put people through that all over again, especially if the forum format changes dramatically again. It's an unavoidable fact that some regulars on the old forums who posted several times a day and were amongst the most experienced SU users out there barely post more once a day. We know this forum is great
, so the only reason I can think that some members are posting less or not at all is purely because of the big switch-over.
I'd just like to second others Coen, the forum is fantastic, as I work by myself most of the time, you guys are my substitute work colleagues, however, I am taking far too many coffee breaks and chatting here! Like Anssi I think I read every post too.
I visit here nearly everyday as well, and enjoy looking at what everyone is using su for, as well as the useful hints that I have gained by just reading the forums. Since I first posted here the forums have got better and better. The only thing I think (as others have mentioned) is the number of sections/sub-sections, personally I would be quite happy to have a single 'off-topic' section, although which others you'd get rid of I'm not sure.
As for the change to phpbb 3, it would be a positive move as far as I'm concerned.
@pixero said:
Coen, I like it better with the avatar and personal info to the left.
We read from left to right and I believe its better to see who has posted before reading the post. IMHO.The name of the poster is actually above the post on the left aswell (under the title of the post) - takes a little getting used to at first though!
I think the real "deal" here is whether the format, style or layout makes a forum or the members and their contributions.
I would really vote for this second one and if the case is that we must move from one layout to another for some technical reasons, we will need to do it. As for me, the look is not that important - one can get used to almost anything (even the GGroups, don't say no) - I'm simply just glad to be able to participate here and even more that I can help with the maintenance of this place.
I know that there might be some problems if we shift and it worries me more than the layout.
Coen, btw, could you just show us a similar layout (though I know that much can be done with the stylesheet, too so it wouléd not necessarily be the same as ours here).
You have given me a new home. There are only three sites I go to often Hotmail, Facebook and here. I'd hate to see my usage records for this site. Sometimes I come here just to have a break from the boredom of work.
The old forums were good but here we have a new life, new look and new people to learn from and share with.
Thanks Coen and the Gang