[Plugin] HouseBuilder metric 1.2
Hi all, I have been following the thread with house builder and I am having problems loading house builder as well. I am using a P.C and I have dropped house builder in the plugins folder and when I start Sketchup I come up with the following message:
No such file to load -- HouseBuilder/HouseBuilderTool.rbError Loading File HouseBuilder_extension.rb
(eval):36:in `readlines': No such file or directory - C:/Program Files/Google/Sketchup 6/Plugins\HouseBuilder\housebuilder_sections.txt
I have tried sevral variations but I have had no luck. Is there any one who could steer me in the right direction. I am looking forward to see what house builder can do. Your help will be much appreciated. -
if you have correctly unzipped the package in your Plugins folder, there should'nt be any problem.
Check that you have:- HouseBuilder_extension.rb in your Plugins folder
- a sub-folder named "HouseBuilder" with 2 other .rb files in it and a lot of png's and gif's as well. A .txt file is also there, with the wood sections listed in it.
Read the readme.txt file for further details.
Dera Didier,
Your Script is very useful and funny,
I have a doubt about the timber (beam) on top of the windows and door.
If i put door or windows it's result vertical, Shouldn't be horizontal?
Thank you in advance for your kind attention,
I think it is a matter of both local convention and structural strength. When I was taught about framing (half a zillion years ago) I was told to put the beam vertically. So from my point of view this should be correct.
I agree with Anssi.
But I want also say that it is NOT my script. The original was coded by S. Hurlbutt, I only tweaked it to metric units and parametric sections... -
@didier bur said:
if you have correctly unzipped the package in your Plugins folder, there should'nt be any problem.
Check that you have:- HouseBuilder_extension.rb in your Plugins folder
- a sub-folder named "HouseBuilder" with 2 other .rb files in it and a lot of png's and gif's as well. A .txt file is also there, with the wood sections listed in it.
Read the readme.txt file for further details.
Hi Didier,
I have unzipped HouseBuilder_metric_12.zip in the Plugins folder. The HouseBuilder_extension.rb and sub-folder "HouseBuilder" are there as described by you. When I launch SketchUp, I still get the following error.
"Error Loading File HouseBuilder_extension.rb private method split called for nil:NilClass"
Could you please advice me to resolve this issue.
I am using SketchUp Pro v6.0 on iMac, Mac os x 10.5.4.
I'm puzzled because the "split" method is called several dozens of times in the code so I can't localize exactly where there's something wrong at startup. Maybe it's a Mac issue. Do you have a file "housebuilder_sections.txt in the HouseBuilder folder ? I guess yes...
Give me some time to search...But take a look at the top of this thread, other people on Mac have the same issue as yours. -
wow, thank you very much! this is awesome
@didier bur said:
I'm puzzled because the "split" method is called several dozens of times in the code so I can't localize exactly where there's something wrong at startup. Maybe it's a Mac issue. Do you have a file "housebuilder_sections.txt in the HouseBuilder folder ? I guess yes...
Give me some time to search...But take a look at the top of this thread, other people on Mac have the same issue as yours.Hi Didier,
Thank you for the response. Yes, I do have have housebuilder_sections.txt in the HouseBuilder subfolder. This script is very useful, I saw the demo of this script at http://sites.google.com/site/3dbasecamp2008/all-sessions-2008/maxing-out-your-productivity-with-ruby-scripts.
Dayakar -
Greetings to all.
Didier, just a quick note - I just wanted you to know that I am also having the same issues with my mac.
"Error Loading File HouseBuilder_extension.rb
private method `split' called for nil:NilClass"Any ideas?
I tried to look for the "offending line" in the script but I quickly became confused. Is it "HouseBuilder_extension.rb", (which is not scrambled)
or "HouseBuilder.rb", or "HouseBuilderTool.rb" (both of which are scrambled)?Please advise. I'm sure many of us in the Mac community would be very appreciative if we could get this to work!
cheers from Berlin,
It is probably in "HouseBuilder_extension.rb" there.
I suspect this line is the offending one:su_path = Sketchup.find_support_file("Sketchup.exe").split("Sketchup.exe")[0]
because there's no exe files on Mac, and they are located elsewhere. So su_path variable is nil, and when the script tries to locate the txt sections files, the su_path is splitted starting from a nil value, which raises error. (hope i'm clear
I'll take a look at this asap, but I'm very busy these days... Here is my todo list, apart from corporate devs:Terrain reshaper
Housebuilder for Mac
Transformer keys positions
Align tool -> copy option
Extrudelinesalongpath (follow me for lines)
SU2STL & Heightfield_gen : binary tests
Instancing brush for compo spray
SU2POV mat editor sliders -
bonjour didier ...
ok, i will see what i can do to make it work. note i am a total non-programmer, but maybe i'll have some luck and you can strike it off your list! i'll report back when i know if i have any success or not
a bientôt!
Cher Didier,
Bonjour! Alors, here's the report: I can't find the line you are talking about in the script. Pas trouve! It must be in one of the two scrambled files. Je regrete! Please advise if there is another way I can help!
best wishes from Berlin,
Is it possible to change this so that the wall (or whatever) you just created is undone in one go?
Hi! i want to delete housebuilder from my computer but it says it is being used by another person when sketchup is closed,can someone tell me what's happening?,thanks
I got here when I was looking for the answer to the post How do I print ti scale in SketchUp? I didn't find the answer but I found u guys talking about housebuilder. What is that?
Thanks for the new script!
its possible to translate ? i mean i dont know much about ruby (nothing actually), then this interesting plugin i wanted to use in spanish... then i see in the file : HouseBuilder_extention.rb some calls... like
# Floor tool cmd3 = UI;;Command.new(("Floor tool")) { Sketchup.active_model.select_tool HouseBuilder;;FloorTool.new } cmd3.small_icon = "HouseBuilder/hb_floortool_S.png" cmd3.large_icon = "HouseBuilder/hb_floortool_L.png" cmd3.tooltip = "Creates a floor." hb_tb.add_item(cmd3)
then i want to know if i can replace the texts between "" without affect the plugin?.
@rodericx said:
its possible to translate ? i mean i dont know much about ruby (nothing actually), then this interesting plugin i wanted to use in spanish... then i see in the file : HouseBuilder_extention.rb some calls... like
# Floor tool > cmd3 = UI;;Command.new(("Floor tool")) { Sketchup.active_model.select_tool HouseBuilder;;FloorTool.new } > cmd3.small_icon = "HouseBuilder/hb_floortool_S.png" > cmd3.large_icon = "HouseBuilder/hb_floortool_L.png" > cmd3.tooltip = "Creates a floor." > hb_tb.add_item(cmd3)
then i want to know if i can replace the texts between "" without affect the plugin?.
Text within "" or even '' can be replaced with anything else you want - i.e. a translation... UNLESS it's a path to a file xxx/xxx/xxx.png etc DON'T change anything else - the worse that can happen is it won't work !
Keep a copy of the original ! -
@tig said:
@rodericx said:
its possible to translate ? i mean i dont know much about ruby (nothing actually), then this interesting plugin i wanted to use in spanish... then i see in the file : HouseBuilder_extention.rb some calls... like
# Floor tool > > cmd3 = UI;;Command.new(("Floor tool")) { Sketchup.active_model.select_tool HouseBuilder;;FloorTool.new } > > cmd3.small_icon = "HouseBuilder/hb_floortool_S.png" > > cmd3.large_icon = "HouseBuilder/hb_floortool_L.png" > > cmd3.tooltip = "Creates a floor." > > hb_tb.add_item(cmd3)
then i want to know if i can replace the texts between "" without affect the plugin?.
Text within "" or even '' can be replaced with anything else you want - i.e. a translation... UNLESS it's a path to a file xxx/xxx/xxx.png etc DON'T change anything else - the worse that can happen is it won't work !
Keep a copy of the original !Hello!!
I'm a spanish user of Sketchup, i'm translating a lot of plugins for SU to spanish language.
I have finished the translation of House Builder ver. 1.0, and it works fine in Mac, only one problem, some units in the options of the tools are in inches, and i work in metres but it's a minor problem, the rest is OK.
I can't translate The House Builder ver. 1.2 because the files HouseBuilder.rb and HouseBuilderTool.rb are encoded, i have translated the HouseBuilder_extension.rb only, the icons appear and the tooltip too in spanish, but don't works in Mac, it appears the same problem:
Error al cargar archivo HouseBuilder_extension.rb
private method `split' called for nil:NilClassI would like upload the Spanish version of House Builder v. 1.0 for all users and the others plugins. Please, tell me how.