That lil' big project again...
Nice effect. Thanks for sharing
daaaammnnnn..loving the birds! i dont know..the fluorescent green trees still get me
but maybe they work on this one.. either way, this is coming along awesome.
Looks great, Tom. The second images looks a little crowded on the right side, IMHO. I think there are too many birds. You might also look at adjusting your view slightly so the fountain does not line up (and hide) the corner of the building. I like the people in the windows, that is a nice touch. Great looking renderings.
Even though lurking is my style
Tom’s work has always made me smile
Life inserted those birds do bring
A cheery heart felt warmth of spring
Colors, man colors abound
Bringing 2d up off of the ground
While cheap peeps I’m happy you did share
Their place might be suited better elsewhere
Views one and three have caught my ear
For texture, life, song and cheer -
@darth chocolate said:
Even though lurking is my style
Tom’s work has always made me smile
Life inserted those birds do bring
A cheery heart felt warmth of spring
Colors, man colors abound
Bringing 2d up off of the ground
While cheap peeps I’m happy you did share
Their place might be suited better elsewhere
Views one and three have caught my ear
For texture, life, song and cheer -
Jeez, I'm pleased...
good start to now!
But Louise, it's no breeze...
must list the dou:1> Study the page setup in pieces, not just as a whole:
Edge only as a line drawing for eye whimsy and gridlock
Shadow only as a B&W wash drawing for composition gut (and giggle :`)
Color only as a color wash drawing for spirit splash and puddle
Materials only as a PR drawing for brain candy and backwashi.e. find the crap splatter before you (Tom) find those square centimeters that seductively flirt and you (Tom!) will love to look at mostly
On my knees...
continue how? -
The two things that immediately popped into my head are 1) in the post-processing in Photoshop, adding some white highlights to the water from the fountain will make it come alive, and 2) I think the people behind the windows are reading a little strong. In one of the rendering workshops I took, we were advised to really tone down and gray out stuff we wanted to represent as behind glass.
The birds are such a cool damn touch. Again with the life in your work...
@tomsdesk said:
On my knees...
continue how?The colors you have chosen
Are just right for me
Only a minor change
Would I like to seeThe bright green trees
Bring muse and life
Some say too bright
I say, “Just Right!”With birds in flight
Bringing life and whimsy
Stale cardboard “peeps”
Just seem too “flimsy”Now don’t take my words
As my brain tends to wander
Other’s opinions here
You must also ponderYet stay to your style
As it is wonderfully neat
Just please post the final
For all of us to see -
your poetry is most welcome. do come out of lurking more often.tom,
the only thing that occurs to me is to tone down the sky. to my money it is competition with the elements you want to show. -
Played a bit with the suggestions so far...thank you very much! More natural tree greens, put some glass in front of the building folks, less color sat over all, and did some painting on the peeps which helps a bunch I think (not enough, I know Willy, but still trying to save those bytes :`) No where near a finished but some progress to the WIP, I think...?
Have to think more about those peeps...their night-of-the-living-deadness, though fun and a noticeable grin-play with the "WC-animated" buildings, they really don't work with the "live" birds...huh?)
Seems we are still in 700 pixel width mode, sorry:
@unknownuser said:
Seems we are still in 700 pixel width mode, sorry:
Sorry Tom - you can actually (still) post 800 pix wide images - the only problem is that the forum software crops them on the right.
The old board used to "explode" the style and push the right border out.This is not something we st; it's coded so there's nothing we could do about it.
And I like your work as much as before (there's just too little time to react and comment as much as before now)
Some separate peeps posted
By others for free
Or standard 2D peeps
That simply “face me”
Should do the trick, and make it stickI’m still diggin’
Shots one and three
They have the most
Comfortable feel to me -
I am in agreement with the Jamocha Jedi.
I really like the first and the third views you posted. Color wise and texture wise. Just a bit more "active" people and it is good as gold.Great work as usual Tom.
Sorry Tom I have not formulated an opinion or reviewed the images long enough to give a pertinent comment, However the poetry from Darth brang a smile to my face So I wanted to thank them for that.