A Fun Little Game, Continued...
Granted, but the sheer concentrated effort it took to learn Blender fast has left you absent minded, so you inadvertently walk into traffic, are hit by a cyclist, and although physically unhurt you have lost your memory. So you have to start learning Blender all over.
I wish Santa hadn't lost my address.
Granted. He has your adress but forgets the presents.
I wish I could do some cool explosions in Blender. Without having to re-learn it that is...
Granted, but with all the time you spend on "A Fun Little Game. Continued..." you never get it finished.
I wish for an uneventful trip this Christmas.
Granted, you staying home, alone without TV, Computer or any entertainment.
I wish I did not get side tracked by this silly game.
Granted, your a Mod so Lock the topic!
I wish someone could explain displacement
Granted. But Eric discovers that he has the computing power to render large projects and play World of Warcraft simultaneously. Unfortunately, he runs into his boss in Outland and gets fired.
I wish I had the rest of the year off like my co-workers.
Granted, but the additional processing speed required over-heats the processor in your PlayStation and it bursts into flames and catches your house on fire.
I wish I had a tophat to put on my mudman.
Granted. But I won't explain it to you.
I wish it would snow even more tonight.
Granted but it melts and warms up to 85 deg. before you even wake up.
I wish my family was not so sick right now.
Granted. Now they're fine and you're the one who's sick.
I wish for a cloudy day.
Granted. They all have a very happy holiday, and they all get drunk fast. Soon, they're all in the hospital with alcohol poisoning.
I wish I hadn't eaten the soap bar.
Granted - You actually didn't eat the soap bar, your at the Soap Bar, You know, the one on 10th Street, and you've been there for 14 hours putting them back. So you really just hallucinated that you ate the soap bar. Oh See you at the hospital.
I wish rain didn't get you so wet.
Granted. It burns.
I wish it would snow here for once.
Granted. For every snow flake, there's 100 drops of rain to go with it.
I wish I had a more fun wirting assignment.
Granted... You have to write all wrongs.
I wish I could predict these extremes in weather.
@dale said:
Granted... You have to write all wrongs.
I wish I could predict these extremes in weather.
Granted, you become a weather Guru but the burden makes you snap and you land in an asylum.
I whish this continued fun little game would become an Xbox 360 hit.
Granted. But you don't have a 360.
I wish everyone a merry Christmas.
Granted, but we all have a horrible New Year.
I wish for a penny.
@unknownuser said:
Granted, but we all have a horrible New Year.
I wish for a penny.
Granted. Knock your self out, lucky bastard.
The bad part comes 9 months later
I wish I had somewhere to go for the NEW YEAR party.