A Fun Little Game, Continued...
Granted, it's cloudy where you are. And look, there's even some funny looking cone-shaped clouds, and they're heading right for you.
I wish...Everyone a HAPPY HOLIDAY
Granted. They all have a very happy holiday, and they all get drunk fast. Soon, they're all in the hospital with alcohol poisoning.
I wish I hadn't eaten the soap bar.
Granted - You actually didn't eat the soap bar, your at the Soap Bar, You know, the one on 10th Street, and you've been there for 14 hours putting them back. So you really just hallucinated that you ate the soap bar. Oh See you at the hospital.
I wish rain didn't get you so wet.
Granted. It burns.
I wish it would snow here for once.
Granted. For every snow flake, there's 100 drops of rain to go with it.
I wish I had a more fun wirting assignment.
Granted... You have to write all wrongs.
I wish I could predict these extremes in weather.
@dale said:
Granted... You have to write all wrongs.
I wish I could predict these extremes in weather.
Granted, you become a weather Guru but the burden makes you snap and you land in an asylum.
I whish this continued fun little game would become an Xbox 360 hit.
Granted. But you don't have a 360.
I wish everyone a merry Christmas.
Granted, but we all have a horrible New Year.
I wish for a penny.
@unknownuser said:
Granted, but we all have a horrible New Year.
I wish for a penny.
Granted. Knock your self out, lucky bastard.
The bad part comes 9 months later
I wish I had somewhere to go for the NEW YEAR party.
Granted, Guantanamo Bay is supposedly beautiful this time of year.
I wish the pipes from my well would defrost.
Granted but all your lads have been using your well for a urinal as they pass you by on their way to and from the pub.
I wish I had a better attitude right now.
For a split second, your attitude changes to a very happy mood. But now your back to whatever mood you were in before.
I wish I hadn't sanded my wrist on the grinding wheel...
Granted. Your wrist is fine. Your face on the other hand . . .
I wish I actually wanted something for Christmas this year.
Granted, but no way are you going to get it.
I wish to figure out what that intriguing package under the tree is...
Granted. But then someone points out that skirt belongs around the tree, not around your waist.
I wish Vue 9 Infinite would go on sale.
Granted. Now Sketchup costs $3000 per tool.
I wish my 3d model will turn out.
Granted but you really don't like how it turned out.
I wish my knees would stop hurting so much.
Granted. Now your head hurts.
I wish Sketchucation had more smileys.
Granted . . .but the smiles are vertical.
I wish my new glasses would get here! I can't see a blessed thing!!!