[Tutorial > Modeling] How a Pro Builds a House in SU pt 1
When you click on the image and choose "Use as Material", it should add the material to your "In Model" materials list. So make sure you are looking at the In Model materials, or it will not show up.
Another option might be to just right click on the image and choose "Explode" and then activate the paintbucket tool, and hold alt and click on the image. That should select the material so you can then use the paint bucket tool to apply it to the other face.
Does any of that help? By the way, welcome to the forum!
oops, appears i posted this in the wrong place ...n/m
Hi Gaieus,
You said this: "Notice however that a face has two different sides; a white/beige one that is the front or outside of it and a bluish one that is the back face. Always make sure that the back face "faces" inside the "thickness" of the geometry and you can only see white faces everywhere in your model."
I have noticed that outside or inside faces will take on different hues. For instance, here:
the top and sides are different shades, even though they're both outside faces.
I assumed that was because SketchUp is replicating the effects of light; different planes are given different shades of the same color. Is my assumption correct?
See here to see the colour of front and back faces
that's normal its just shading to give impression of illumination
Well, that's just because of the shading I guess. Basically (if you have problems with face orientation), just set the two kinds of faces to something strikingly different. I think Dave uses some irritating magenta or what so that he cannot bear it too long and reverses back faces quickly.
Thanks, Rich. I've played with those settings, but even so, it still looks like the outside faces take on different hues by default, such as below.
To clarify; they're all "fronts" or "backs," but still take on slightly different hues.
Re: [Tutorial > Modeling] How a Pro Builds a House in SU pt
Hi, very nice tutorial, but I have some questions I'm hoping someone can answer.
I've gotten to step 5, where I've scaled the imported drawing and erased the line. Why can't I just trace directly over this plan now? Is it because I won't be drawing on one plane?
About step 6: "right click on your plan image and choose "use as material" and apply the material to the rectangle." How, exactly, do I apply the material? I select/copy, but can't seem to paste it to the rectangle.
Thx for any advice.
edit: Ok, I got the paint bucket to work. Apparently it "paints" the plan at the correct scale, and repeats it multiple times depending on how big the rectangle is. So I suppose I can just trace one of the patterns and then turn off the paint layer.
Ok, great, thanks, that's what I thought (SketchUp is trying to replicate the effects of light).
I am following the guide. I imported a image plan. I draw a line, group line and image, then use measurement tool to scale the image. Okay so far. How about my image plan do not have 1:1 ratio for X-Y axis. Could I scale both horizontal and vertical seperately ?
Whats happened to ""üse as material"" in SU 2014?
I see the "use as material" selection in 2014, but for the life of me I can't figure out how to apply it to a rectangle I just drew next to the plan? There doesn't appear to be an "in model" materials list either.
You can open the material browser window.
Go to the top of SU and hit Window>Materials.
Then the Material Browser will open.about a 1/3rd of the way down you'll see forward and backward buttons and a home button. hit the home/house button. this will show you all of the materials that are 'in' your model.
Hey, I think this tutorial is great but i can't download the template to start. can you post a working link ?
You can get my templates here. http://www.sketchup-house-plans.com/
@krisidious said:
You can get my templates here. http://www.sketchup-house-plans.com/
I keep getting redirected when I click on pt. 3
Hmm... the post is missing? Someone with control of the forum here will have to look into where it went.
@krisidious said:
Hmm... the post is missing? Someone with control of the forum here will have to look into where it went.
Yeah, when I click on part 3 it takes me to part 1.
Also, I have a question. Is there a tutorial to build a model based on CAD plans, not images, and in a fast approach ?