Links for Texture Sources
wow, some more textures, hmmm...
Thanks everyone for sharing. It would be great for future reference, for faster search when in dire need of a fresh texture, if all the contributed links can be compiled together at the first post or on top of first page of this thread.
I have gone ahead and compiled. Dear moderators, if this long post does not find your approval please let me know.
Guite, thx for the effort, did the changes as I agree with you. Also edited your post to keep things a little tidy.- Juju
good resolution textures, most not tileable right out of the box.
thank you all for these great link-collection. this really helped me out!
it's handdrawing "mistic"textures...use gouashe paint...ver-r-r-y fun!
Thanks urgen - added to the list above!
Here is a good link for making your own brick/stone textures.
Mr S -
That's a fantastic resource, thanks. -
... - FILTER FORGE-fantastic plugin for Adobe Photoshop that allows you to build your own trial(30 days), a funny interesting forum, textures for the real professionals! Very entertaining!..
... - is the real emperor of texture web pages!However, it's not on the list, have no idea why..It's not for free use, but for the people who's ok with that- this is really a treasure! Max. professionally made textures. I haven't seen anything better, the great variety of textures of concretes and facades. For the rest: some previews can be privatly used in SU (quality is enough), finishing it using the well-known methods... architects and designers, enjoy!..
This site has some large packages of tilable textures. Nice stuff, check it out: -
Thanks Sketchy, I added it to the collection.
very good site,thanks!
I have just found a great site for brick pattern where you can a choice on what colour mortar.
Just select the brick type (view range), this open a new window and the there is a box that has change motar colour.
I'm viewing the links in the first message on this post, (BTW great post!) and there is an error in this line:
Three links in one. That's all.
Sorry for the inconvenience and regards:
Thanks Antonio - it was actually three different links somehow written in onle line (thus not working).
I have fixed it now. -
I've noticed the accustudio textures are at a new address:
@daniel said:
I've noticed the accustudio textures are at a new address:
Yes, well about that...
seems the entire accustudio website has been hacked for the time being.
It's back up!