The Pro forum is gone
You've done so much here that this is considered a minor goof. No worries. Do what you think is best. We all trust you to make the right decision.
Users/members should note that if you were previously 'subscribed' to the Pro forum, you need to go the top of the Pro forum index page and re-subscribe.
Otherwise, you won't get email notices of new postings.
Hummm... backing up once a month whether we need to or not????
Todd Burch
second option looks the best.
Coen shit happens, but you did your best all the time, so no worries.alexander
Well, Coen, things happen. I'm really sorry for the loss but that's life. If you can do this No. 2 solution, that would still be almost perfect.
hi coen,
do what you think is best for SCF. as alexander said, shit really happens and we all know all the good you have done to SCF (us) until now. so do not blame yourself and concentrate on doing the best you can to restore the board.
in a few days we will not even remember what happened.
cheers and good luck.
Edson Mahfuz
Mistakes happen- it is a hell of a responsibility to be the guardian for all the hard work and good will of thousnds of posts, but don't let this setback upset you. The second option definitely sounds best if possible- it would be such a shame to require recent members to re-register.
@unknownuser said:
Todd, I HAVE a backup of October 1st. The problem is importing the posts into the new forum. Each post is assigned a forum id which does not exist anymore, meaning I do not think it can be done. The only option is to install a board just for the sake of archiving, with all the potential security risks involved since I need to set all the permissions just for that one board again and that will take forever.
This is just one of those things...Just pulling your chain Coen.
Do you think the IDs can be translated? If the are in a PHP / mySQL database, then perhaps an SQL UPDATE statement is the answer. (I've been working with SQL since 1984 - I've written a few lines of it - just haven't messed with non-mainframe versions of RDBMSs (relation database management systems))
If they are in a flat file, then Ruby can do that (which translates into "I can do it") - I would just need to know what the data looks like. How big is the file? Can it be FTPed? Do you have a list of the old IDs and how they map to the new IDs?
Todd Burch
Post the screen names of those needing to re-register...we'll give them a proper welcome that will make it OK. (You've sweated this too long already!)
No big deal - I understand. Not a problem.
Todd Burch
I'd vote for #2, but as was said by several others, I would defer to your best judgement. I think saving the new registrations is important however, might give them a bad impression otherwise.
jim smith
#2 gets my vote.
Do we really need to "vote"? I would have thought it was a no-brainer. Just so we're clear, option no. 2.