A Welcome Message to New SketchUcation Members
Well my 2 biggest problems where the eye bolts or eye hook bolts as you might know them by. That took a few days to figure out and get close to right. There still not perfect, but there close enough for the drawing. The 2nd was the roof covering. The biggest problem there was making sure every thing was lined up with the main circle and getting all the rafter in plane. The follow me tool didn't like the over hang of the rafters so I had to do it in 2 passes. Even after making sure the profile was in plane.
In the future I want to do the Khana or wall section. I've gone to the warehouse to see how other people have done it. But it not what I want to do. They've used a flat 2-d surface, which I've thought of a couple of way I might be able to do. But the walls are like a large lattice or baby gate, just in case your not sure how a yurts (or ger) is made. I've been thinking that if I build the wall on the flat, rise it vertical and use a follow line command (not sure if SU has that command), not sure if follow me will do that or if I did something wrong. But that's my next big problem solving mission for SU. Since the boys only use SU and I hardly used SU in the past, I just need to start using it more, like with the yurts project. I started it in AutoCad, then 3-d it in SU. SU has taught me how to do things in AC 3-d better, both are primitives so they do work similar in some ways. I've done very little 3-d in AC or Reveit since I'm used to working 2-d on paper. I still love sitting behind the drafting board drawing things out the old fashion way. Old habits die hard.
Do you mean you want to show the lattice structure rather than just represent the surface as seen from the outside? I am not sure doing the wall on the flat isn't going to make it more complicated for you. FollowMe won't recreate the structure of the lattice, but if you model a portion of it you can repeat it in a circle using the rotate tool. I am thinking of doing a Tipi as I made them for sale in a past life. I mostly think about it so I will have full strategy to abandon once I actually start.
Why don't you do a WIP thread in the WIP section of the Gallery?
Hey everybody,
I'm new at this forum. I'm working with sketchup by about 3 days, mostly designing interiors and fireplace. I just discovered this forum, and I'm sure it's going to be a great help.
Sorry if my English isn't that good..
Hi, Zanna:
So far, your English is fine, and Welcome.
As you may be aware, there are subforums here for other languages. But you do not specify your country in your profile? -
Updated profile. Thanks mitcorb.
Hello, my name is Esther and I just started on SU8, I studied graphic design and I have always loved to build, deconstruct and tinker.
I am now going into 3D printing and need to start with modeling in 3 planes instead of 2, so far I seem to be getting the hang of things decently but it never is a bad idea to have the support of others in the same boat as well as the people who know what they are actually doing at all times haha!
I am looking very much forward to learning from everyone here.
Greetings and Salutations !
I'm happy to have recently joined the forum and I'm looking forward to participating in all things Sketchupy.
While I'm not new to Sketchup most of my modelling has been from interior office layouts, simple models and now to more complex models which led me to this forum for some "how the heck do I do this?" information.
I hope I'll be able to contribute as well as seek information.
Hello Esther and "Thiz...",
Welcome and feel free to look around (of course) and ask.
My name is Stephen I am so very new to Sketchup-free and have trouble inserting plugins. Some work and some do not. In this post my question is on round corners. I have spent a few days now trying to make it work. It will not display in Sketchup, I will try to insert a Img file of files on this post. Opps cant do that eather? Oh yes I can!
Thank you
You really ought to post in the problem tool's thread.
Have you checked Preferences > Extensions to activate the Tool, and then View > Toolbars to activate its Toolbar etc ??
What are these folders ?The other files/folders seem OK, but without seeing what's inside the Lib... and Round... folders who can tell ?
If you follow the instructions regarding the download, extraction, installation and activation of a specific tool [and the one you are having problems with has excellent guidance] it should be straightforward...
Are you sure you have FULL security permissions to the Plugins folder and its contents... and 'Compatibility Files...' issues aren't rearing their ugly heads...
You could also try getting thomthom's Simple Installer linked through the Plugins Index.
This installs tools for you - they can be in various formats...
All you have to manage to do [just once] is to install the installer successfully... -
Thank you
I looked inside the Lib... folder and found same name folder inside. I had placed direction inside Additional Folders for Plugins and think it loaded it twice into itself, anyway I removed all traces and used your recommended, thomthom's Simple Installer. and re-installed. Now every thing works.
Thank You
Stephen -
Hi Everybody,
My name is Cor Verhoeven and I live in the Netherlands. After my retirement, and working many years with pencil and paper, I started to work with my hands., making some usefull furniture.
I expect SU and this forum will be of great help in designing.Tnx so far.
Hi guys...
I've joined today, I hope in this wonderful site, I can get and share a new knowledges in modelling for SU master. I use Sketch Up + v ray for one of my hobbies.
Jr -
Hi! I'm Marina (Latvia). Happy to join your community. I use Sketchup for six month yet and it seems to me that i can find answers to my questions here
Hi, I finally took the time to register after years of learning using these forums. Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for all of the info and help. I love that everyone is here to help one another and learn from each other.
I have been using SU for about 4 years and still find myself learning new things all the time. I have also been using VRay for a few years and feel like I still have so much to learn! Thanks again!
Hello everybody,
I've just joined, in order to get my hands an a plugin to push and pull curved surfaces.
I'm a beginner and I'll soon need your kind help...!Thanks in advance
Well, it seems I'll be soon addicted with sketchup and sketchucation. Actually is hard to understand how one can remember to eat, rest and have a life with such mind-catalyst and imagination-borderless software
Good luck my sketchUcolleagues wherever you are!Emil
Just wanted to introduce myself; I'm a math teacher; I've been using sketchup off and on (mostly off) for a few years. Right now I'm working on an animation of how various polyhedra fit together in a sphere. This forum has been quite helpful -- many thanks.
I have a very specific question, which I'll post separately.
Im a designer illustrator flash programmer who wants to expand his limited horizon.
So I started with sketch up as it seemed to fit the best with my previous skills.
One can find some results of those at http://www.dbag.nl/portfolio/ all 2D.
Well thanks for the forum its a big help.Cheers,
A warm welcome to all.
Niels: Are you saying you used SU in creating some of those images on your site?
In any case, incredible work! You have a beautiful style.