Unable to select group.
There are some non selectable groups in a converted .fbx file I have imported.
These items are not locked so my best guess is that they are not on layer 0. OK, I know they call them tags now but what the heck, cannot be bothered with all that today.
I have looked for a plugin or method to move everything to layer 0 so either I am extra crispy today or there is no such beast.
Any pointers or, do I start looking for homes with soft wallpaper.
Could be a flaky import?
Try poking around the Outliner and see if that selects things
Thanks for the cool tip. I could not do anything with it for a while and had several shut downs, explode worked in the end and I can replace the original groups now.
Apparently using the classic engine is preffered, any tips on allowing the onboard graphics to be seen? -
OK, Short cuts on the desktop have resized themselves to "Let the crew of the ISS read this". Weirdo than weirdo.
Something to consider when importing in SketchUp is that if the file is quite complex you are asking SketchUp to process every point, edge and face.
You may notice in other apps a 3D import will be blazing fast. But SketchUp is not like other apps, it is a conceptual design tool focussed on architecture. So recreating mesh data, in particular dense mesh data, will lead to long processing times.
Things like intersecting edges and faces can cause SketchUp to heal or merge meshes that would not be joined in the source import file.
Regarding resized icons. This might be a shot in the dark but maybe if you switch engines this cause toolbars icons to resize? I've not tested this but it might be the cause.
Here a little tip when dealing with imports. Use Blender to import your model then break your model up into chunks. Export the chunks as separate files and bring those into SketchUp.
I cannot use the 'classic' engine in sketchup because Sketchup cannot 'see' the onboard graphic system.
Not changing a thing, sometimes win doze updates scramble things but what good is it unless that happens?
Exporting chunks is something I have done on occasion but not as big a help as it might be.
Sketchup being optimised for open gl does not exactly help.