Free of 2025
As a piece of abstract ?art? it has a certain no idea what. I suppose a five year old might have it on their wall but anything else? Nada.
Night Café
Wow, wow soo beautiful. I have mixed feelings about AI and it scares me on so many levels. When I went to art school, desk top publishing was just starting and I thought why am I studying design? have i wasted my time. Then the stuff that was turned out by accountants was so bad so designers were back in jobs. Then sketchup came out and I again thought anybody who cant draw a straight line can now do perspective renders. But same thing, if you were good at art at school and creative as a child you will just turn out rubbish. AI though IMHO scares the hell out of me and I think it will be a game changer, so
sad. However those images you produced are wildly beautiful. And perhaps humans may not be as capable of producing such alluring images. And the fact that this technology in in its infancy, sends shivers down my spine
Is this the end of art/design as we know it. We may not have small children in dads over sized shirts finger painting in class with crayons and coloured pencils in their on there desks.
Rich, once again my stupidity, how do I block this?
I forget. Can you find where I mentioned it already?
By replying you start following the thread. So literally looking at something you don't want to see is causing you to see.
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Leonardo Flow State
FormZ free( a sort of fun SketchUp ) for make volumes in seconds
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