Lizard Monster Thing - Update
Got my SubD monster thingy into a scene and rendered up ! Posting raw SU view and the render. Rendered in Twilight and did the post pro in Affinity Photo. For those who might be interested I’ve lately been saving my renders as .hdr images. Then I use Affinity’s tone mapping function to work the image over…..
Great! Hopefully the glass panes are thick enough!
Thanks HornOxx. Hoping 5” of acrylic and the stuff were adding to the water to keep it calm will suffice
Still trying to get to grips with Affinity which is a very powerful tool. The lizard is a bit big for the pool though, have you thought about the coastal pool type of enclosure? Something like those used to allow Dolphins to approach humans that was mooted some years back where three side are closed with the last open to the sea.
Straight up cool scene!
Or just as they wrapped up filming...the thing ate them.
Bryan, pbacot ,thanks guys. I think I just might play with this some more. Need to get it creepier looking
I especially like the details like the filtration system etc and how you set the scene. It is an observation tank for a new creature to study, so there was no need for aethetics just pure funcionality fo observation and recording, nice work Tuna
Thanks L I am , still playing with it a bit. Finally after hours on the “net” found reference for were to run power cables for the Mitchell camera
. Playing with the lighting and monsters skin. Might get something better but might not
I like it! The lighting is changed slightly and looks better.
The water in the tank looks better as well!
Thanks Bryan. Second one is for sure closer to what I was shooting for.
Its all in the details and they work very nicely here.
Thanks Mike