The Nadesico A
@bryan k said:
@l i am said:
I generally am not so interested in anything other than Architecture or Landscape. But I am looking forward to seeing the progress on this project
Thanks L i am! Sorry I didn't reply earlier. I was busy with my new job and my spring time allergies have been kicking my but. Sorry I missed your post.
Am always looking in on your progress, "new job" does that mean a new computer is on the cards?
Have you been on the raylectron forum? It looks like v5 is almost ready.........and I think it has planets which should make you very happy -
@l i am said:
@bryan k said:
@l i am said:
I generally am not so interested in anything other than Architecture or Landscape. But I am looking forward to seeing the progress on this project
Thanks L i am! Sorry I didn't reply earlier. I was busy with my new job and my spring time allergies have been kicking my but. Sorry I missed your post.
Am always looking in on your progress, "new job" does that mean a new computer is on the cards?
Have you been on the raylectron forum? It looks like v5 is almost ready.........and I think it has planets which should make you very happyI hope to have a new computer by the end of the year. If the contract lasts long enough.
Yes! I saw the Raylectron update! I'm excited about it. I'm supposed to be testing the new Raylectron v5, but been too busy. I did a test render with it prior to public release (see main gallery "Testing Raylectron's new clouds feature") and I'm very excited to starting testing this final version, but just too dang busy. I barely have time to work on this model.
And my pollen allergies... gah! Really slowing me down.
Just roughing in the main hull. I have to stop here and check my references. There is very, very little visible reference on the main hull, so I'm going to have to fake it... a lot. This will take... some time.
My technique to "faking it" is to find one reference shape that I know is correct and build/scale from that to the general dimensions.
Same process as previous. Push/pull cross-profile shape and scale to side/bottom profiles. Use four components. Top left/right and bottom left/right. The top and bottom on the main hull do not mirror. Totally different shapes.
What fun!
I am not sure this level of modeling will make your computer lag. Just use components wherever you can and go easy on hd textures and you should be fine.
Keep up! -
I have an 11 year old, i5 laptop with only 500MB (yes, MB) of GPU RAM and 16GB of main RAM.
There are no more hardware or firmware updates available for it.
I know what you mean about laptops, I have an XP machine with (From memory,
) 2mb of memory but it has a Linux partition and still works occasionally.
We have come a long way from the first computer I had, a ZX80 with .25k memory and no hdd.
@bryan k said:
I have an 11 year old, i5 laptop with only 500MB (yes, MB) of GPU RAM and 16GB of main RAM.
There are no more hardware or firmware updates available for it.
Ha-ha, are you kidding me! You should be more than fine! I really thought you have a dinosaur!
If you don't have an ssd, buy one. It will boost you up considerably. Otherwise you're good to handle higher poly count models!The only thing that matters in Sketchup is core speed.
My system is about 10 years old too! -
@ely862me said:
@bryan k said:
I have an 11 year old, i5 laptop with only 500MB (yes, MB) of GPU RAM and 16GB of main RAM.
There are no more hardware or firmware updates available for it.
Ha-ha, are you kidding me! You should be more than fine! I really thought you have a dinosaur!
If you don't have an ssd, buy one. It will boost you up considerably. Otherwise you're good to handle higher poly count models!The only thing that matters in Sketchup is core speed.
My system is about 10 years old too!Yet, it doesn't. I was not speaking theoretically. It absolutely will not handle high poly counts.
SU itself barely runs properly. Sometimes I have to start it 6 or more times to get it to respond. Yes, I have tried everything. It's the Intel video. No fix but to buy another laptop.
Little by little, bit by bit.
It's still rough but I can work with this. The overall general proportions look good to me. I'll concentrate on the main hull until it's done and fiddle with fitting and detailing the forward pylons at the same time.
Still a lot of vertice moving and adding to refine the proportions to be done before I add details.
2 more views.
Too many loaded plugins? Try to unload some with the SCF pluginstore toolbar.
I think I found out why the surface is faceted. Are these edges smoothed or hidden?
It looks like you hid those edges which you shouldn't. You should always smooth if you want a smooth surface.
I assume you use the Eraser to hide them. Instead of holding Shift, hold Ctrl. That will smooth the lines.
More refinement of the main hull. More vertices changes and moving intersections.
Closer and closer.
Nothing is smoothed yet as I am not finished. I may need or want to adjust them later. The less vertices, the easier the change later.
I'm still roughing everything in. Getting the shapes and proportions correct before I do the refinements.
Still tweaking the main hull shape. Changing lines, moving intersections.
Oddly enough, the best references I have of the main hull is the keel, so that is where I will probably start detailing from.
Looking forward to when you cross the finish line with this
You have said a few times that your computer is not up to spec. but 0.5GB of Vram? Wow, the word courageous comes to mind, not to mention dedicated. I hope your contract gets continued and you get a new machine. I have a feeling it will be like athletes training at altitude before a comp to return to Sea level with, red blood cells supercharged with oxygen and raring to go
Yeah, this is going to take a while.
I'm getting a handle on the main hull. I can now visualize it a lot better, but I see the work done so far is still way off.
The good news is that from looking at all the references, there is really no exact way it needs to be made. All the references have made their own interpretations. All that matters is the proportions are good and the large details are good enough.
I think I've got the bow figured out now. If it looks confusing, that's because, it is.
Also roughed the forward pylon struts in. Will work on the lower hull shape next. The top hull looks good except for the stern.
Looking good mate.