Ever tried to make a (Viable) complex shape to extrude?
Hi all,in the past I have needed to copy a custom logo (or other complex shape) in sketchup? I have and it is a tedious nasty experience. Anyway I found this program "Convertio" https://convertio.co/image-converter/ I tried a few.......result.......nothing usable. but I imported a raster into convertio and got it to work on the logo as shown below. I converted the raster to a DXF file and then imported is into SU pro. Made the faces and then extruded. The whole thing took abot 10 mins. The alternative of doing it by hand in SU would I expect take about 1.5 hours after which I would need urgent counseling;)
Oh and if you need a very good DWG, free cad program try "Nanocad" https://nanocad.en.softonic.com/download?utm_source=SEM&utm_medium=paid&utm_campaign=EN_desktop_RegionA_conversions_DSA&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI0dq2tovo9AIVGTErCh1BvA7bEAAYAiAAEgJIb_D_BwE
If you pass the edges through Curvizard you could reduce the segment count too.
Its SVG to DXF is unusable though. Seems to apply some weird rounding in areas that should be straight.
Nice to know Rich, cheers