Simple scene
Hi Bryan, I think the composition itself is beutifull, spot on, and little details like the open magazine etc
. I think the lighting is kind of dull though. Have you considered playing around with the exposure setting in raylectron? I think it would pay to do so. The post production side of raylaectron is simple and post production with renders is often overlooked but a valuable tool
Good suggestion L i am.
That's certainly what I am working toward. I'm trying to get the balance of bright without washing it out/over-exposing.
I'll re-render this again.
Looking forward to seing it
I think contrast and ex[osure will do a lot for you on this. And the cool thing is your computer specs are irrelevent and the results instant
...what a beautiful and so "simple" scene - my favourite so far!
Very nice, your best work so far
Lovely work
Thanks loco.
Thanks L i am. Good suggestions.
Avery elegant render mate.
Thanks Mike.