Office - More render practice
You picked a tough model for practice. Would like to see some more goes at it
Bryan , Hope your able to get the computer situation straightened out...
Thanks tuna.
I would love to practice more on it. I'm baking another one right but it will be 3 days before it's finished. I'm not going to wait that long so it won't look perfect either.
My PC is just too old and slow to experiment more than a few times. SketchUp is freezing, renders take a long time and worse if I use lights.
I'm trying to jam out as many as I can right now as I might loose my Internet connection very soon.
I'll second nlipovac. Like the lighting effect much better.
@tuna1957 said:
I'll second nlipovac. Like the lighting effect much better.
Thanks tuna and nlipovac!
This is how I would like to do all my renders. Several different effects to see which turns out best.
I agree, the lighting brings more, character' to the second render. More than getting there mate.
Thanks Mike.
I dont want too throw a spanner in the works but I much prefere the first one. Obviously it is subjective and I dont want an argument with mike
But I would think a minimalist space is not suited to charactor by its very essence.
Thanks L I am. I like them both.
As I said, my ideal render would be to do all of my renders differently using different lighting. I really like how different settings produce what is essentially a surprising and different perception.
I like the color of the first one too...nice render overall. Keep it up.
Thanks allenx.