Somewhere cool (render)
Hi, I had an image in my head. Kind of Santa Fe/Spain, kind of shabby shiek look. Took 25 hours to build and render.I gave up after 10 or so hours, thinking I had failed to come up with anything remotly realistic so I gave up on it as a failure. After a week I visited it again and spent about another 10 hours changing the model and fine tunning the materials and lighting ad infinitum. It works now I think.
... I think we are all familiar with these ups and downs in the assessment of our own work - at least I am! And so there are lots of projects of mine that took exactly the course you describe.
And you know what!? - it was worth it that you grabbed it again -
Thanks Hornox, It was a big thing for me as my plans were to do Archviz for a living....I thought OK I have reached my limit of skill and would not make my living out of it. Being stuborn helps
I have attached a close up of the render to show the lengths (Details) I went to to make it work. The image I posted does not show the deail as I had to dumn it down to post -
das ist hervorragend!!!! looks so real, great eye(sense?) for details
must have been a lot of texturing work though!
Excellent... Great job !
Very sharp and a great render.
Stand out, work!
Hours and hours. No matter how fast the computer or how well you know the program, it still takes hours and hours to get good results in 3D.
And then there is the "creative block".
That turned out great L I am. Keep on keeping on!
Thanks Bryan, very true. I was using a real time renderer as opposed to a ray trace renderer in this case about 8 hours of trying this....trying that....failing tweak a bit more...experimenting....failing and just piling up the wins. Would love to hear from anymore Twinmotion people. Still a fan of raylecttron though and will still use it on some projects. Twinmotion now has megascans which are amazing
This is one of the nicest scenes I've seen here this year! Great feel! I do think however that the car doesn't add anything. Probably doesn't need a car, or could have a classic model.
I thought of a photo here. I was very surprised
@pbacot said:
This is one of the nicest scenes I've seen here this year! Great feel! I do think however that the car doesn't add anything. Probably doesn't need a car, or could have a classic model.
Believe it or not I was planning to do a Pink Cadilac but the one I downloaded was too low poly..........but.........I am going to buy one of these (Model) not sure what colour though. I would love some reedback from all who wish to do so, as to which colour. I think that car works really well.Thanks for motivating me to do it
Oh and Alvis, thanks your post made me smile......thanks
Tough choice on the car color. Everyone likes red, including me, but the silver/white was also a classic and one you don't see very often.
Either one will look great! The scene itself steels it all anyway! (the car you have now is fine, but the 'Vette? Yeah, sure!)
@bryan k said:
Tough choice on the car color. Everyone likes red, including me, but the silver/white was also a classic and one you don't see very often.
Either one will look great! The scene itself steels it all anyway! (the car you have now is fine, but the 'Vette? Yeah, sure!)
Thanks for getting back Bryan. I was thinking the lighter one as it is a close hue to a couple of the houses. I dont think I can tell, think I will try both and post results. At this end of a project I find it hard to make my mind up which is strange because at the beginning of a project I am very decisive......
It's going to look great no matter which one you choose!
...I would have accepted any colour - except pink!
nevertheless, wunderbar!
@l i am said:
... driven by a blond goddess with her hair blowing in the wind...
hmmm, come to think of it again - pink isn't so bad! -
@hornoxx said:
...I would have accepted any colour - except pink!
nevertheless, wunderbar!
Yes, pink is a bit "Cadillac"
I feel though if it was driven by a blond goddess with her hair blowing in the wind it may meet with your approval -
That makes a difference. Excellent choice!