Seeing the thumbnails
What is that app / whatever, I need to see the SUp t nails? Just had win 10 installed on my system and lost whatever that was.
Doesn't changing the View to Large Icons show the thumbnails? It does for me.
Right on Dave that works!
Is there a setting to make all folders open up with large icons instead of needing to select View > large icons?
Once you set them in the explorer window, they should open that way in the future. At least they do for me.
Do you mean once you set one folder to large, the others will also be large? That's not the case for me, I keep needing to change the new folders I open.
No. That's not what I mean. When I set a folder to display thumbnails it does that when I open it again.
could you explain how to do it thru windows explorer Dave?
I just open the folder and set it to show the thumbnails. When I open the Explorer window the next time, the thumbnails are displayed. If I want the details instead, I change it to show them. The next time I go to that folder it shows details. If that's not happening for you maybe you need a Windows expert to help.
Under File you have Change Folder and Search options. You can set the view there and apply it to all folder.
Right on Box, thanks for that,
one less aggravation!
That View> large icons fix didn't stick, so I asked on the MS support forum
The tutorial below can help show you how to set a default folder template for all folders, change the layout to large icons for how you want, and then apply to all folders.