Vertex doesnt work on my model?
I'm replicating a chair model from a youtube tutorial, somehow my Vertex tool doesn't allow me to only raise the selected rectangle up straight, it always comes attached with the surrounding faces. I tried many times, not sure why it's not like what's demostrated in the tutorial...
Attached below one is from the tutorial and the other is mine screensnapped:
gizmo + ctrl
as fred.dy wrote above
the left example works with "gizmo + ctrl" because using ctrl creates a copy of the selected loop instead of only moving the selected loop ...
Thank you both. What does 'gizmo' mean? I held 'ctrl' and the vertex pull, it worked!
@jsa_sj said:
What does 'gizmo' mean?
A Gizmo is a sort of made up word for something that doesn't have a specific name, in this case the three pointed arrow thingamy that you use to pull and scale.
What? Gizmo is the same as thingamy?
I've already racked my brain over this "what or who the heck is Gizmo"-term.
(Gizmo for me sounds like a character from Sesame Street)
@box said:
@jsa_sj said:
What does 'gizmo' mean?
A Gizmo is a sort of made up word for something that doesn't have a specific name, in this case the three pointed arrow thingamy that you use to pull and scale.
Thank you, and Bing says 'a gadget, especially one whose name the speaker does not know or cannot recall.' plus your explanation, to me, sounds like a John Doe in device.
@hornoxx said:
I've already racked my brain over this "what or who the heck is Gizmo"-term.
(Gizmo for me sounds like a character from Sesame Street)
I now have it straight from the ex wife's mouth, she is native German speaker and works as a translator for various languages, that a Gizmo could be translated as a „Ding“, „Dingens“ or „Dingsbums“. Just to name a few.