[Plugin] Universal Importer - v1.2.6 - 30 July 2024
.glb 7.9mb
Model is here : https://www.dropbox.com/s/bte329pn42gs5px/80005e0d-0006-f600-b63f-84710c7967bb.zip?dl=0
@samuel_t said:
@ahmed0007 said:
.glb 7.9mb
Model is here : https://www.dropbox.com/s/bte329pn42gs5px/80005e0d-0006-f600-b63f-84710c7967bb.zip?dl=0This error happens because textures are embedded in model. So I've extracted and relinked them...
You can download fixed model here. Click on "Valider et télécharger le fichier".
There's no automatic fix for now.
Thank you!
any other way to donate? paypal is not available in my country.
@ahmed0007 said:
any other way to donate? paypal is not available in my country.
Bank transfer. I can send you my IBAN in PM if you want to make a donation without PayPal.
@samuel_t said:
@ahmed0007 said:
any other way to donate? paypal is not available in my country.
Bank transfer. I can send you my IBAN in PM if you want to make a donation without PayPal.
@oxer said:
@einstein said:
By the way, I think it would be cool to also have polygon reduction as standalone tool for meshes that already exist in SketchUp. Because we haven't had a decent free polyreducer in SketchUp so far. It's just a suggestion.
It's a good idea
This idea was implemented in v1.0.8. cf. Toolbar.
@ahmed0007 said:
.glb 7.9mb
Model is here : https://www.dropbox.com/s/bte329pn42gs5px/80005e0d-0006-f600-b63f-84710c7967bb.zip?dl=0This error happens because textures are embedded in model. So I've extracted and relinked them...
You can download fixed model here. Click on "Valider et télécharger le fichier" button.
There's no automatic fix for now.Since v1.0.8, this issue is automatically fixed. -
1.0.8 version:
- Allows you to apply a polygon reduction on current SketchUp model via toolbar.
- Fixes model import with embedded textures. Up to 10 textures are supported.
- Names imported model with original filename. This should eases management.
Download latest Universal Importer plugin from SketchUcation PluginStore.
@samuel_t said:
Famous plugins like Artisan and Skatter are using C:\ProgramData. This isn't a problem.
For Skatter, we use ProgramData only for the initial install, not for temp files.
@jiminy-billy-bob said:
@samuel_t said:
Famous plugins like Artisan and Skatter are using C:\ProgramData. This isn't a problem.
For Skatter, we use ProgramData only for the initial install, not for temp files.
for a future time, any chance of supporting grouping of imported meshes?
@khai said:
for a future time, any chance of supporting grouping of imported meshes?
Chances are low since mesh hierarchy is lost during conversion.
oh. not good.. since if you import a mesh in sections rather than in a hierachy, the way that SU places it in scene - you manually placing it instead of just in position - makes lining it all up again a nightmare if you've got large sets...
hmm no matter.... I can work round it...
1.0.9 version:
- Supports up to 1000 embedded textures.
- Shows face count before/after reduction.
Download latest Universal Importer plugin from SketchUcation PluginStore.
Really excited about this plugin!Mac OS X 10.11.6 , SU 18.0.16976
It’s not working for me. Trying some simple .obj files (ca. 9mb) and get this message (after I get the "Do you want to reduce polygon count?" and "Model Height" Dialogs:
Tried some .ply files of the same object, same message.
Tried a very simple, small .stl file (750kb) and got:
*Universal Importer Error: No space left on device - write
/Applications/SketchUp 2018/SketchUp.app/Contents/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.2/lib/ruby/2.2.0/fileutils.rb:1393:in `copy_stream'Universal Importer Version: 1.0.9*
Indeed, my HD is very full, but at the time of my import attempt, it had ca. 4GB free space, no other programs were running, aside from Chrome.
Does it need to make use of more than 4GB of temp space to import a file with only 7,500 vertices and 15,000 faces?
As a last attempt before I write here, I made a super simple 2m cube and 2m sphere in C4D and exported as OBJ (274 verts 540 faces) and I still got the error as the above screenshot. I also tried this with a simple 2x2m plane. No luck.
Something I'm missing?
a few other notes/questions:
• If I press Cancel after “Model Height” (i like this feature, by the way), it still (attempts) to opens the file... is that because it is then opening the file at whatever size it’s been set to previously? or is it supposed to cancel the import?• I can’t double click a file name and have it import it (like if I were pressing "Open") (wheras I can when with the normal import dialog with other images and 3D models already supported by SU). it’s a minor thing, but double-clicking a file in any OSX UI opens it (or at least many do), so it's pretty ingrained in my workflow.
anyway, thoughts on the error messages?
Thanks!! -
Spanish Language for v1.0.9
REQUEST: Can you investigate the missing texts in the importing popup windows on macos? I think for users it's very useful to see the text to understand what have to do.
@oxer said:
Spanish Language for v1.0.9
[attachment=0:8aivyaaf]<!-- ia0 -->es.zip<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:8aivyaaf]
Thanks for translation, Oxer.
@oxer said:
REQUEST: Can you investigate the missing texts in the importing popup windows on macos? I think for users it's very useful to see the text to understand what have to do.
I can't fix this problem because:
"[On a Mac] UI.openpanel ignores the title argument. There isn’t even a place in the dialog for a title to appear. It also doesn’t support wildcard patterns for the filename and there is no place for a selection list to appear anyway. In fact, the filename argument appears to have no effect at all; it isn’t pre-selected and the user can choose anything."
Source: https://forums.sketchup.com/t/good-default-directory-for-ui-savepanel/40307/6
@oxer said:
Thanks for the aclaration.
Thea4SU plugin has an options to Create or Edit Thea Model in it appears a tittle and options to selec model format, see the image.[attachment=0:1sjaildi]<!-- ia0 -->Texts in window.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:1sjaildi]
I'm Thea4SU beta tester and I can ask to Tomasz (TheaSU developer) if it's possible implement that in Universal Importer.
Good idea!
1.1.0 version:
- Fixes "big copy" issue again.
- Shows face count before reduction.
- Updates translations.
Download latest Universal Importer plugin from SketchUcation PluginStore.
Thanks for the aclaration.
Thea4SU plugin has an options to Create or Edit Thea Model in it appears a tittle and options to select model format, see the image.I'm Thea4SU beta tester and I can ask to Tomasz (TheaSU developer) if it's possible implement that in Universal Importer.