β οΈ Important | Please update Libfredo to v15.1a for bugfixes associated to SketchUp 2025 and below
Happy happy joy joy
SU + Modo + some imported meshes. And some jpeg artifacts to boot.
Prima ! - almost a bit too cosy for my taste
what, no shot of the acoustic ceiling tiles? Way to rob me of my joy.
I definitely work, it has the look and feel of a government interview room where folk can be told they are worthless pond scum and by the way your pension is late because we don't care. I know long winded but to get that reaction it has to be a good scene/render.
@andybot said:
what, no shot of the acoustic ceiling tiles? Way to rob me of my joy.
An unfortunate oversight on my part. Apologies.
I was expecting a render of a cat and a dog...
If only you could use your powers for good instead of evil.