Reset Easing to Linear (default state)
I'm trying to animate a zipliner on a cable past an intermediate mast; I have used the extension Draw Wires to make one catenary from the starting point to the mast and one from the mast to where the zipline ends; I drew an arc where they meet; cleaned up and used TIG weld. The idea is that the ride starts slow, accelerates gently towards the intermediate mast; slows down a little when passing the mast and then accelerates again (but much harder) from the mast and to about 1/3 of the remaining ride; then gradually slowing more and more towards the end of the ride. I've been trying out different variations of Easing, but I'm not able to reset it to it's default state (Linear); is this not possible or am I missing something here?
@dabouncer said:
I've been trying out different variations of Easing, but I'm not able to reset it to it's default state (Linear); is this not possible or am I missing something here?
To disable the Easing (i.e. make the movement linear at constant speed), just toggle off the Easing Button in the property window box.
Thnx ('',)