SketchUp 2019 release
@ntxdave said:
Interesting, I received a second email this evening.
Now to see what happens going forward!
I'll bite, what does it say? (screenshots or it didn't happen
I always found it a bit strange for software updates v20XX to be released a few months before 20XX. Maybe this year, v2019 will actually come in or just before 2019?
@juju said:
@ntxdave said:
Interesting, I received a second email this evening.
Now to see what happens going forward!
I'll bite, what does it say? (screenshots or it didn't happen
I will try to send a screenshot a little later (have to go to a different computer instead of my iPad). It, again, is about their Cyber Monday promotion at $499 for 2018 Pro. Interestingly I did not se any mention of an upgrade to 2019.
Aaah, so only for new licences then. I hope they give their current licence holders some thought...
@juju said:
How close / accurate should one expect annual releases to be to the definition of annual, ie. how much "grace" would be reasonable? Asking for a friend...
Tell your friend 30 days. That's the grace period for letting your maintenance lapse
@david_h said:
The one wish. . and it's just a little wish...that I have been asking for in SU since version 5th Century BC is the ability to edit a nested a component and only have the context of the next component in the tree hierarchy visible rather than the whole model. . .all or nothing. for example to edit a double hung window section-- to work on one frame in the context of the entire window component but not have the entire building model visible. Vous comprenez? or is there a Plugin that can do this ? Otherwise I take my component out of the model. Start a new model and re-insert. Irritating.
This would just be a great thing.
You can create a shortcut to the "hide the rest of the model" command. I put this in the "J". When I edit a component or block, only it is visible.
@rodolfost said:
You can create a shortcut to the "hide the rest of the model" command. I put this in the "J". When I edit a component or block, only it is visible.
Read his request again. Consider what happens if you are, in his example, editing a sash within a window frame. If you "hide rest of model" you are also hiding the window frame object outside of the piece you are editing.
For most cases, just making a copy of the parent component, somewhat removed works OK, no need to export, but I know what you mean, that would be a great help. (And I also agree, having the hot key set for "hide rest of model" is essential.)
Is it time to start thinking Merry Christmas, Happy New year or even Happy Easter?
Sketchup has become the cornerstone of my business, I use it for everything from quick mass studies, to concept design to full construction docs for projects ranging from small housing to large industrial projects. I have invested huge amounts of time in this product to enable me to do this, I hope Trimble understand this and will stand by us full time users whose livlihood depend on it.
The 2018 update for me was great especially the ability to do scaled drawings in layout. I just hope this next update... whenever it is... will give us the ability to control line weights for layers and / or components instead of applying a raster style.
I am feeling a tad nervous about the silence on a possible release date given my investment in this product I think at the very least we should be kept up to date on whats happening.
@sekta said:
The 2018 update for me was great...
I see your profile still reads SU 2013, care to update?
@pbacot said:
For most cases, just making a copy of the parent component, somewhat removed works OK, no need to export, but I know what you mean, that would be a great help. (And I also agree, having the hot key set for "hide rest of model" is essential.)
I do have the short cut of course, but the visibility of nesting components is the issue.
@david_h said:
@pbacot said:
For most cases, just making a copy of the parent component, somewhat removed works OK, no need to export, but I know what you mean, that would be a great help. (And I also agree, having the hot key set for "hide rest of model" is essential.)
I do have the short cut of course, but the visibility of nesting components is the issue.
I understand. I would make a copy of the upper "parent" component that you wish to be able see as a reference--away from the rest of the model. You don't have to do it in a separate drawing (unless it's huge in MB).
Yeah. . .that's the method I have been doing for these types of things, but still it would be nice to just have that option. Seems to me like a little thing. I guess not since it has'nt happened since ever.
@sfto1 said:
Sketch 2018 was released Nov 14
SU 2017 Nov 7
SU 2016 Nov17We're fast closing in on a year + 1 month since the last major release:
- the anticipation is driving me nuts (not walnuts but coconuts, I hate coconuts),
- the lack of communication is giving me the heeby-jeebies, especially with the OSX only maintenance update released recently (but hey, at least that was done to help OSX based clients, good on you!),
- makes me want to scream as I've had to pay my maintenance blindly (which, as per historical release cycle, would have been after the new major release).
last day of voting folks, make 'em count!
@juju said:
@sfto1 said:
Sketch 2018 was released Nov 14
SU 2017 Nov 7
SU 2016 Nov17We're fast closing in on a year + 1 month since the last major release:
- the anticipation is driving me nuts (not walnuts but coconuts, I hate coconuts),
- the lack of communication is giving me the heeby-jeebies, especially with the OSX only maintenance update released recently (but hey, at least that was done to help OSX based clients, good on you!),
- makes me want to scream as I've had to pay my maintenance blindly (which, as per historical release cycle, would have been after the new major release).
SU 2015 released 11/3/14
SU 2014 released 2/27/14
SU 2013 released 5/21/13This is the longest between releases since 2013 was issued.
SU has long since stopped being a hobby for me. It is one of several important tools in my professional work flow, so I'm always eager/interested to know what improvements might come thru this program, and what I need to do in order to incorporate such changes.Hopefully, the extra time has been due to additional native tools being added or high poly models being handled better - period
I would certainly upvote SU more if they gave us some ideas of where they want to go with this software. (instead of all the interpolating that happens in the forums) In years past, the wish lists (here anyway) have devolved into why something couldn't be done.
I have been holding off on investing precious time in learning another way for modeling, but Chip Walters' "Blender" videos are looking more and more attractive. I might have a damn it moment, bite the bullet and start down the path of learning Blender too. -
Aargh... this is total click bait.
But seriously, any updates on the release of SU 2019?
I hope Sketchup 2019 will handle more complex geometry plus some amazing updates to Layout.
Small feature request, but I'd like the ability to show area in a different measurement to the drawing dimensions.
I'm not sure how things work in America, but in the UK and Europe detailed architectural work is drawn in millimetres, and square metres are used for areas.
When a client asks: how much paint do I need, seeing 8483472mm2 is quite confusing. I currently have to switch the drawing units, see that it's 8.5m2, then convert back to mm to continue modelling.