Emergency deadline help
I have had issue in the past where I was working to a deadline and needed urgent assistance. Have just tried to assist somebody in the same position. I am sure many people here would understand how stressfull this situation is waiting for assistance especially in some timzones. Whilst the crowd here on Sketchucation are very responsive and helfull, l am wondering if practical, is there a way to flag your request for assistance as urgent?
Sure this could be abused and some self regulation would be encouraged.Just a thought bubble.
Do you mean to publicly request help?
Some use [URGENT] to get attention but this tends to make people not reply or simply ignore the request.
Nothing worse than hitting a brick wall and waiting to external help to materialise...if it does
Hi Rich thanks for getting back. To me "urgent" is like posting on youtube "new episode" it will be accurate for perhaps a week only then it will become misleading forever. I was thinking a skicky thread called "urgent deadline" or something like that. I know that it perhaps open to abuse by people who are simply impatent. Maybe somebody else can come up with a solution. Or hopefully it could rely on trust and individual integritty only.
Again just a thought bubble
How about something like [Deadline]
Simple is good Dave:)