Weird red blur/fog/mist in render: HELP appreciated
Hello everyone, I wanted to know if somebody could help me out. I have been getting this weird red fog or mist in my renders, interior and exterior and I wanted to know if it was related to the materials, the hdr photo or the sun, IĀ“ll attach a photo down below thanks for the help!
I don't really see any weird red blur/fog/mist in your render. Only noise problem i see.
Could you describe where do you see that problem exactly?
Edit: I don't think but you might be suffering from 'color bleeding'. Check this out and see if it helps:
Hello Filibis, That weird reflection right besides the tv furniture on the right, that redish thing, and yeah maybe some noise I could turn down with DMC?
ErnieBoy, could you please share the .skp file? (Also which version of V-ray do you use?) I'm not sure what causes it really.
It could be overlapping geometry, shadow or reflection of a hidden geometry, weird lighting positions/setups, environments/fog etc...
If you're using V-ray 3 , Denoiser feature is a good solution for noise issues: