This will be flying in Dubai skies this April (WIP)
This will fly Dubai Skies this summer.
I probably wont give it a try. Reason: 1. Only good for one passenger (nobody to share the adventure) 2.Battery last for half an hour! (you kidding me!!)
I just took the challenge of building this in 3d from available photographs. Its barely massing for now, its not even finished. No door, the front and back details aren’t done.
There isn’t enough reference (such as blueprints) for me to go too detailed and not enough geekiness in me.I just wanted to try how good Thomthom’s VT-SubD-QFT are in doing projects like this. And its very well capable. Still learning it with the help of the experts of this community.
Very convincing!
Does this sort of thing can be used with human size ? (helicopter)
@pilou said:
Very convincing!
Does this sort of thing can be used with human size ? (helicopter)
Thanks just to give you a sense of scale... roughly.
Can I re-post this on the SUbD Facebook page?
@thomthom said:
Can I re-post this on the SUbD Facebook page?
oh sure as you please. I'd like to complete it though!
Ok, if you are still working on it I'll wait until the final piece. Always nice to be able to show the progress to end result.
Very nice quad-mesh!