Saving Downloaded .rbz Files
Hi everybody :
I was reading Rich O'Brien's tutorial on Installing .rbz files. One thing, though, he doesn't explain WHERE to save the downloaded .rbz files. I've tried a couple of times, downloading and saving Sketchup plugins, and sometimes Sketchup 8 picks it up and sometimes it can't find it. I usually save the file to Google>Sketchup 8> Plugins. And, if I'm correct, I need to close Sketchup 8, then re-open it. Then click Preferences >Extenions > Install Extension. Sometimes, Sketchup 8 will pick it up. garystan
When you save the rbz with a web browser you install them from the download location.
SketchUp simply unzips the rbz and installs then files and folders into the plugins folder of the app.
"Where" is any place you want (normally folder Download as for any plugins from the Pluginstore)
as when you install a .rbz you have a box message with search /choice files!
Normally you have not to relaunch an opened SketchUp for install and run a file .rbz !
Few exceptions are existing! -
Rich O'Brien :
Thanks guys for the advice. That DOES clarify it.