Sharing and updating a Sketchup file
Hi, I'm just about to commence a large project and will be sharing the work load with another designer but we will be working from different localities. Has anyone had any experience with plugins such as TommyK's Team Edit for updating a working SKP model. I'm using a mac and the other designer is using Windows 10 but don't see this as an issue, we both run the same SKP version. Any suggestions or solutions would be greatly appreciated.
Only thing that comes close to 3D version control is this...
I haven't tried it out though.
Working right now on a project in two offices. Really just keep one file as the latest. The date gets changed (filed copied or "save as" to a new one with the date in the name --not every day) and the older date file is put in a superseded folder. Plus TimeMachine back ups are happening in a couple locations in case of some screw up. So really one person just works on it at a time. The main thing is having the file following updates for the client. We keep the files on DropBox
If you really want two people to work exactly simultaneously on the model, in this system, you'd want them working on separate model files, which can be reloaded as components in the master model. I couldn't imagine keeping separate versions then merging the changes somehow. That seems to be what the system Rich has is suggesting.
Thanks for the replies, for the moment I'll keep the project areas as components & "save as" to a master model.