⚠️ Important | Please update Libfredo to v15.1a for bugfixes associated to SketchUp 2025 and below
SketchUp Pro 2016
After re-installing SketchUp Pro 2016, all my drawing file icons are black with EXEC written on them. The drawing opens fine and even after saving with a new name remain unchanged. What could have caused this?
this normally happens on a mac when files were last saved by a windows machine, it should correct itself as soon as you do a save-as of the afflicted files
even if you don't do a save-as, the files should function normally (as expected)
the file association has been 'lost' by 'Finder' and a 'Alt + Right Click' >> 'Relaunch' on it's Dock Icon may fix this issue...
If not, 'Right Click' on one of .skp file and 'Get Info' >> 'Open With' [browse to SketchUp.app] + 'Change All'