Layout dimension errors
I've been getting some strange measurements showing up on dimensions in Layout. I've tested on a nice simple model and did get precise dimensions when exported to Layout but now its happening again in my current project. - I've got a nested dimension (within a larger but correct one) showing 37 where I know that it should read 3690. Its within the bounds of the viewport (so it isn't that old Autocad viewport scale error happening), and when that dimension is selected the Dimension Style panel options show Decimal, Millimeter and 1 for precision. I can edit but would prefer it to work.
What are the things that cause problems for dimensions? I know they fall over if you move dimensions around too much. -
PM sent.
I've got similar issue on sections cuts of large models.
Hi Guys,
I have come across this as well and my thoughts are that the dimension is not snapping to the appropriate end point because the point is masked by other geometry. For instance, with a section cut you may want to dimension a feature that is further back in your model than another object that appears in front of it. Although the dimension end point looks to be anchored to the correct spot it is not. Sometimes I have found the only way round this is to go into the model and draw a temporary line to anchor the dimension correctly and erase this afterwards. I often draw kitchen worktops with curved front edges and in rooms where the worktop butts up to a wall this problem occurs when the room is sectioned and the worktop needs a height dimension. Hope this makes sense!