Meanwhile in Brussel/Bruxelles/Brüssel
Because I'm no fan of relentless lecturing. You don't discuss, you grab a soapbox, jump on top of it, and start rambling. That's why.
hope things return to normal soon.
@stinkie said:
Meanwhile, the police are frantically looking for the last remaining perpetrator of the Paris attacks (and they seem to believe he's in the company of other terrorists). I dearly hope they don't botch it and kill the tw*t.
Why didn't he blow himself up like some of the others ?.....could it be that ISIS/ISIL/IS/DAESH are looking for him too....!!
Its just ugly and its bloody sad..... Stay safe to those who are close.
@rich o brien said:
hope things return to normal soon.
I'm sure they will, threat or no threat. The police et al will remain on high alert, obviously, but our government seems to be well aware day to day life cannot be put on hold for much longer. Cafe and restaurant owners are complaining -and if Belgium indeed has a secret government, it's them.
@gareth said:
Why didn't he blow himself up like some of the others ?.....could it be that ISIS/ISIL/IS/DAESH are looking for him too....!!
Could be. Anyway, I hope the cops catch him, though I think he's small fry, just like the others in his, er, 'unit'. Cannon fodder, enlisted to advance a political rather than a religious agenda. (There seems to be a certain dichotomy to Daesh: trigger happy zealots/criminals at the bottom, former Baath officials with a Sunni nationalist agenda at the top. A volatile cocktail, apparently.)
All in all, I think the whole Daesh thing won't be over soon. Bringing the Daesh army to its knees shouldn't be too hard, I think, but that won't be enough, obviously. There's a lot of investing and rebuilding to be done, both in Syria and Iraq. And then there's Saudi Arabia, Iran, and last but not least, Turkey -their role in this situation is problematic.
I worry -not about the situation over here, attacks or no attacks, life goes on, no, I worry about the Middle East and North Africa. A further descent into violence and obscurantism would be absolutely disastrous.
It is truly sad that yet another bunch of crazies are hijacking Islam in a bid to recreate a truly holy war. If it war it is NOT holy in any way. I have met and worked with a lot of Muslims and they are just as decent as anyone else on the planet but I saw not long ago a BHUDIST monk talking up killing Muslims because of their faith so now hope we have got to the bottom of the decent into madness so we can start clawing our way out of it.
police with guns on our streets is just a reaction to a threat and not a police state and will only be the case while the threat is so high but I do agree we need to look into security again. As long as we do not go all Apocalypse Now all over the place we should be OK. -
I have a constructive suggestion for this problem to be resolve. So cold "religion" of those terrorists should be proclaimed sect which is the real term for this artificial creation made in social engineering laboratory, for people who are cut off they roots. And also, it would be best if real Islamic believers and religion officials could do it, working with nation. That would forbid its practice and spreading among the young seeking something to lean on. They should be given different kind of hope instead, but that's the problem of it's own...
Hm ... I'm not sure that would work. Daesh are Sunni. Lest I am mistaken, Sunni Islam doesn't really have a formal hierarchical structure.
Of course it won't work. I am talking nonsense.
But this guy know what he is talking about. EuroCIA will surly meet the goal.
The beginning of the "Thinkpol". We all know it is the only way to fight the fear.
Actually, and I really believe this, you might just have the nail on the head with this one. No, it would not be easy to implement but if for example, what we called Op Granby had been allowed to come to a complete end and the coalition had provided security, would we be where we now are? If the local Islamic nations had provided security rather than the divisive 'non believing' nations? I was one of those who volunteered from civilian life for that 'action' and like a lot of others, my health is failing because of that. I did NOT volunteer to kill Muslims or anyone else, I volunteered because people were being murdered, they just happened to be of the Islamic faith. I could not do otherwise and call myself a Trekkie, sound silly? I believe that one day we human beings will through intelligent cooperation cease killing each other for our differences and will instead, help each other because of the things we all have in common. Believing something that there is NO evidence for, I believe THAT is what makes a faith.
@mike amos said:
I could not do otherwise and call myself a Trekkie, sound silly?
No. It doesn't.
@mike amos said:
I believe that one day we human beings will through intelligent cooperation cease killing each other for our differences and will instead, help each other because of the things we all have in common.
Amen to that.