3D Truss Models
Back from my trip to Utah. I had to take a day yesterday just to recuperate from my vacation, 5 kids can wear anyone out.
Facer will be implementing a new program to help drum up extra support for the campaign, only about 10 days left and we are only 50% there.
I'm willing to double my support, which isn't much but will help the cause.
I'm hoping this kickstarter takes off...
*** EDIT ***
So, apparently, once you've backed the kickstarter you can't do another pledge? -
It would be interesting to hear from the current users of the Truss and Foundation plugins. Looking at the Kickstarter project it looks like only 4 Truss Plugin users are interested in the upgrade and none of the Foundation Plugin users are showing any interest. Although it is possible that some of the existing users are among the 23 backers that made the Basic or Advanced pledges. Still, only 30 backers?
There are currently 371 active (unique) users of the truss plugin. Yet the turnout is very low with the Kickstarter Campaign, which leads me to one of two conclusions:
1.) Kickstarter does not work well with the SketchUp community.
2.) The number of "active" users of the plugin is much smaller than the registered user base.
If #2 is the case then it leads one to believe that the real world utility of the plugin is limited at best. Admittedly the plugin is a bit of novelty, it can do some cool stuff but does the registered user actually employ it on a daily basis and does it add significant value. These are questions that I have been asking for some time but do not have a clear answer on.
I've posted the Html Timber Truss input page at the link below so anyone can start putting it through its paces and offer me some feedback.
I still need to add in the algorithms for the bolts into the top chord and top of the king post, should be able to knock that out this evening.
I will probably need to add in some extra logic that deals with bolt placement at the heel joints especially when the scarf cut on the bottom chord extends below the centerline of the bottom chord.
My browser (Firefox) doesn't like the link.
"Firefox doesn’t know how to open this address, because one of the following protocols (skp) isn’t associated with any program or is not allowed in this context."
I associated skp with SketchUp but still doesn't work.
??? -
Try it now, there may be some other cross browser issues that I was not aware of. That is the reason for posting this link, it will help expose any issues.
I use Chrome as my primary browser so I am fairly confident there will be no issue with that browser.
I've got all of the bolts working now for each plate as well as the extra logic to make sure bolts don't get too close to the scarf line at the heel joint.
Please go ahead and test out the link I've given above.
If there are no major fixes then I am ready to implement this module into the plugin.
I still need to come up with the metric version but first I will implement the imperial version fully.
The link works fine now but there are some other issues.
Leaving all the settings the same as the link presents - Changing span to 25', the right hand support disappears. Changing the span to 24'or less, the right most plate disappears. Generally speaking, I never see the bolts. Some detective work for you.
KrisM -
Medeek Const Library - Kickstarter Status at: 20 Aug
All or nothing. This project will only be funded if it reaches its goal by Tue, August 29 2017
@krism said:
The link works fine now but there are some other issues.
Leaving all the settings the same as the link presents - Changing span to 25', the right hand support disappears. Changing the span to 24'or less, the right most plate disappears. Generally speaking, I never see the bolts. Some detective work for you.
KrisMYour right, not out of the woods yet on this one.
The html preview is working fine in Google Chrome but completely blows up in Firefox and has some issues with the bolts in IE.
It appears that SketchUp uses IE as the default browser for web dialogs (on Windows) so I've got to address the bolt issue first. I've loaded this up in Safari on my Ipad and it seems to be without any issues, maybe someone on a MAC can verify that.
In Internet Explorer, parentElement is undefined for SVG elements, whereas parentNode is defined.
That seems to have fixed the bolt issue within SketchUp. Please test the link with either Chrome, Safari or Internet Explorer, Firefox still has multiple issues.
Cross browser problems are typical when you start using complex javascript and SVG (which is a relatively new technology compared to other web protocols).
This is would be the typical output of the html input for the timber trusses:
I may add in the L1 dimension and the heel height dimension.
No major complaints or concerns with the way I have it currently configured, so far. I've starting creating the ruby code that does the heavy lifting. By the end of the week I should have something ready to go for timber trusses.
My goal is to also add in the Queen Post and Howe configuration for timber trusses, these other two seem to be the most commonly used.
There is a number of ways one could arrange the bolts on these plates or even configure the plates. I am trying to come up with the mostly widely accepted method that will make at least 75% of the user base happy. Hopefully I can achieve that.
At another level I am really happy about this latest edition to the plugin, I now have a better understanding and comfort level with designing bolt connected timber trusses and I can better address local customer requests in this regard.
@unknownuser said:
There are currently 371 active (unique) users of the truss plugin. Yet the turnout is very low with the Kickstarter Campaign, which leads me to one of two conclusions:
1.) Kickstarter does not work well with the SketchUp community.
2.) The number of "active" users of the plugin is much smaller than the registered user base.Nathaniel,
it is #1 as I believe it is very difficult for purchasers of any SKP plugin to come to a user forum as a learning venue only to find that there is a further investment (?) proposal being offered on a plugin we have already purchased. In my opinion--and I say so with great respect----your funding efforts perhaps could have been undertaken elsewhere. There is nothing wrong in trying, of course, but it never felt right to do so on the forums. In truth, we are just purchasers and users of plugins only on this forum, not necessarily equity partners (I have pledged, by the way, and as you know, I have also offered additional funds to you if the goal is not reached).@unknownuser said:
If #2 is the case then it leads one to believe that the real world utility of the plugin is limited at best.
Wrong. Happily so. The real world utility of, not only the truss plugin, but the other 2 (foundation and wall plugins) is potentially significant. There are many more users of other big 3D CAD platforms coming to SKP, either for the first time, or for a final time as they, like me, have 'burnt out' on the size and complexity--and rules(!) of these other programs.
To have your plugins available to us, in tandem with the workflow importance of other plugins like VALI's and KERNAN's (extraordinary), PROFILE BUILDER, SKALP, and the brilliant host of productivity tools, allow us to produce and compete equally with the 'big boys/girls'.
And SKP makes us happy. It will always be the 'little engine that could'. Many more designers of all stripes are taking notice of SKP. Hence the essential requirement for what you are coding.
@unknownuser said:
Admittedly the plugin is a bit of novelty
Not a novelty. Essential.@unknownuser said:
it can do some cool stuff but does the registered user actually employ it on a daily basis and does it add significant value.
Yes, and yes.What is of greatest importance to us, I further believe, is to have a robust WALL TOOL. It must be robust in the sense that CHIEF ARCHITECT's wall tool is robust. It is the best one in the business. One can work in plan, yet the 'Z' is already in place, walls can be cut, sliced, extended, and fused into other walls automatically. It easily takes windows and doors, etc. (please ensure we can place windows & doors inside a wall group). What is needed is a design and editing wall tool. While we very much care about joists and trusses for roofs and floors, wall studding is just not that important (except for take-off calculations---but John Brock's plugin can deal with that). What is crucial is our ability to design, but particularly, to EDIT our layouts, quickly and efficiently.
As such, I can only encourage you to bring the wall tool forward for us to purchase and then proceed to integrate the three in one 'construction' package, as you have suggested is coming. Again, the VALI model. His architectural package is far greater than the sum of its parts (I use the win/door tool every day and is essential to my detailed workflow).
Your '3 in 1' could have the same effect and in doing so, your user base will increase exponentially.
...back to the issue at hand, I do not know how you fund yourself to get there (a question we all face in our own business'), but please do not give up. Your solutions for SKP are as vital as they are brilliantly coded.
As always, you have my very best wishes for the success of your efforts on behalf of us immediate users and the larger SKP community.
Well said dpaul.
PM sent re what is your Skype address.
please reply to my gmail address.Regards,
Ray -
I've uploaded a minor update which integrates the timber truss web dialog (won't actually create anything just yet) for those interested in testing it in SketchUp. It will only load up in Imperial/US unit templates for now. My main concern is cross browser issues that I'm not aware of but may pop up for other users who have their PC's configured differently than my own.
Let me know if there are any issues.