How do you Flatten to 2D?
Sorry for bugging everyone. Again, I'm set up on a new computer and my Flatten to 2D command is gone. Is this supposed to be native to sketchup? I can't remember. If it's not, is there an extension that will simply take some linework and push it all to 2D? I used this a LOT previously when trying to draw road lines, for example...something might be off somewhere by some tiny amount and faces would not close. Flatten to 2D would , well, flatten everything, and then it was easy to make faces.
It's a plugin. Have a look through the SCf Plugin Store. There's probably more that you are missing, too.
Vertex Tools does a great job of this and can do it in any plane as well. Artisan also has a flatten function.
Drop Vertices by Tig must also works and advantage you can flat on any objects, Z, etc...