Intersecting models whilst in a group
Hi guys. I recently did a sketchup course and the guy showed us how to intersect models, but he did it after he had made the objects a group. I can't seem to make this happen now I'm back home. Which means I can't seem to keep the geometry where both models intersect. I hope this is making sense to someone, I'm very new to this language! Can anyone offer any advice?
Gus -
This is to do with 'context'.
In the attached image the overlapping boxes are groups.
One group in the left-hand pair was selected and the context-menu Intersect with model was used on the selected group.
The new intersection edges are made in the same context as the selected group - i.e. as 'loose' geometry in the model, overlaid on its faces, but not merged with those faces.
These are shown highlighted in yellow for clarity...But in the right-hand pair that group was first 'edited', and then all of its geometry selected, then the context-menu Intersect with model was used on that selection.
This time the new intersection edges are made inside the group that was being edited - i.e. as 'merged' geometry as parts of its faces.
The highlighted group [yellow] shows those additional edges and split faces, all now inside the group itself...
This is what Tig is saying in action.
The first pair is ungrouped geometry.
The second grouped but not open for edit.
The third grouped with one open for edit.
Thanks @Box - I was too busy to do more that a quick screenshot - and YOU are the 'gifmeister' after all
Ah-ha! Thanks so much guys, that's fantastic. It's funny how I get stuck on things for hours and then see what I was doing wrong and the same thing takes seconds to do.
Nice one