Using fog with hybrid render
I've used fog to hide backgrounds in scenes exported to Layout. This appears fine with raster render in LO but in Hybrid (which I need to use for the quality) the line work is not hidden, just the faces.
I've read that only vector render should be a problem with fog and that raster/hybrid should be ok. However, not the case for me....on the line work anyway. I'm using completely plain edges in the SU style. I tried adding a 1pt profile but no change.
Any ideas of what I can do to get the line work fogged out in hybrid?
Many thanks
I have the same issue. If I render it first with raster and then switch to layout it looks good until it gets updated....I have explored several band aids for this such as using a transparent plane to separate the distant content but even that has issues with transparency and hybrid mode.
Edges are rendered as vector lines in Hybrid so they'll be the same in both Hybrid and Vector. Fog won't fade out vector lines. The lines need to also be rendered in Raster for that to work.