Set Arc/Circle defaults in SU template?
arc and circle defaults are set after use. You should be able to go into the template or file, use an arc and a circle and then delete them. save the file as template.
Unfortunately setting the template doesn't work, it always reverts to the default.
The plugin by openhatch is the only one I know of that will make it work at startup.
By you are right, it needs to be updated to work in 2014. -
Sorry CalypsoArt, Box is right... I tried to recreate my instruction and it doesn't work. I could have swore I set my template to 12 segment circles.
@krisidious said:
Sorry CalypsoArt, Box is right... I tried to recreate my instruction and it doesn't work. I could have swore I set my template to 12 segment circles.
Maybe you have confused arc and circle here?
I was under the impression that I had set both by using them and setting a segment size and then saving a template. Looks like I just made that up in my mind though.
The "setArcCircleDefaults.rb" is PC only and uses an EventRelay.dll etc, to mimic the keystrokes as SketchUp starts which change the Circle/Arc segment settings.
Unfortunately this is only compatible with the Ruby shipping with v2013 and earlier, the Ruby2 used by >=v2014 will cause load errors.
That .dll could be remade to be compatible.
There was a thread using similar techniques and an .so file, again this would not be compatible with newer setups, but in that case the .so's contents are now directly accessible from Ruby, so updating that might be easier...
This link shows how to do it with win32ole - you need to edit the original script and add new text...
BUT the lineKernel.require ''
is probably not Ruby2 compatible,
so tryrequire 'win32ole'
and see if that works...
Make sure you have NO 'old' .so of that name with the Plugins folder !
It needs to use the one from the Tools/Ruby... subfolder...There's an expanded snippet to do Arcs and Circles a few posts later
So I'm not crazy?
Thanks for the responses. I guess it will go into the wish list for 2016.