Creating A Looooong Wall & Railing
I need to draw a specific railing and wall along the outside of a huge building.
What is the best way to draw the railing and wall that runs along side the building below:
The photo above only shows about 1/4 of one side of the building, so as you can see, i have a lot to draw here.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Looks like there a lot of repetition of both the parts and their assemblies.
Make a component for each 'part' [rail, post etc] - so you only have to model each thing once.
PushPull a face into a simple tube etc.
Then arrange instances of those nested inside a main component for each repeating assembly.
Place multiple assemblies - you can place one and use Move+Ctrl to copy it the necessary module along the faƧade, then immediately type in NNx + <enter> - where NN is the number of copies needed.
If you need slightly different assemblies at corners etc, use make-unique on an instance so changes only affect that new sub-set of components.
Because there will be so much repetition do not 'over detail' - it will kill the model.
Use parts that are simple tubular boxes - if they must look 'round' do NOT use a very segmented circle to PushPull the shape - 8 sides will probably be more than you need.
Using the componentized approach allows you to adjust the level of detail in the parts, if you find that it's getting too heavy. -
Do you understand how to use the move tool to create copies and by extension arrays?
I'm not sure if it's any better (for file size), so someone can let me know. But you can also many a dynamic component that can copy itself over. It's very much like doing an array, but within a component, which may be smoother, and it'll automatically be within a group should you need to select it all and move them or something.
It may be a nice solution but I think it's not a good start for a beginner to use DC in this case.