Wind of the cannonball
Wishing you well -
I wish you to heal very soon
Get well soon Pilou....
Pilou 1 - The Grimp Ripper 0
but that was very tangent!
I hope you get him off your back.
And, I hope you can dodge the smaller blade, too. -
@unknownuser said:
A very bad infarct didn't miss me !
See you, as soon as possible.Repose toi bien!!!
Ah mate, that isn't great news! Best wishes in health sent to you from across the wide pond!
Take care Pilou
Do not worry. You have two more to spend...
So take care. -
Although I'm very confused as what this is, I wish you all the best, Jakob!
@frederik said:
Although I'm very confused as what this is, I wish you all the best, Jakob!
Myocardial infarction I assumed (heart attack)
Yes that is that!
Thanks again! -
Hope get well soon. take care
yikes bud.. hang in there.
this place isn't the same without you so here's to a speedy recovery -
Fortunatly technic makes todays incredible wonders!
Thantks to it!@unknownuser said:
to a speedy recovery
Yep : pressing some keyboards is hoppefully permitted!
I must admit I had no idea what "the wind of the cannonball" meant.
(still not 100% sure/though obviously you "dodged a bullet")Either way........I always enjoy reading you're posts & contributions Pilou!!
Glad you are OK!!++
I must ask........did you require V7 reports from your Doctor(s).......or did you insist on the latest/greatest versions..........I jest..........I jest!
Speedy recovery++
I have made a very literal translation of the French one "Le vent du boulet" !
(in French "un boulet" is also that : what a drag ! (ironic)
If you have the right translation of the first line I will be be very pleased!
"dodged a bullet" is pretty closed i suppose...
My firt doddling of rebirth! Made with this versatile incredible Verve!
Get well soon Pilou, we're all thinking about you!